10 Facts About The Human Brain That Prove We Can Do Anything

Out of all creation in the entire universe, there is something right here on earth that is perhaps the most awesome thing ever imaginable. In fact, it is often hailed by scientists as being the most complex of all creation. I’m talking about the human brain, and it is able to accomplish amazing things.

The brain may not be very large but on the inside, the complex series of neurons and synapse make an endless amount of connections, allowing us to do the incredible things that we do every day. Some of those things are by chance but others take place 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When you understand what the brain is capable of doing, you recognise that there is nothing that can stop us.


1. Our brain sees no difference between reality and imagination

Every thought that we have causes our brain to react and it is not able to distinguish between fact and fantasy. Many people look at the world through rose coloured glasses, and this is a measurable effect that is possible with our brain.

2. Your brain doesn’t get tired

Mental work does not cause our brain to get tired, our emotions cause that feeling. The blood flowing through the brain remains unchanged as it does its work. When we spent a long day at work, however, it does change considerably.

3. The Majority of the Brain Works Automatically

More than half of the thoughts we have today are the same thoughts from yesterday. That is why pessimists have a difficult time changing their outlook. It is necessary for their brains to be “cleaned” before they can become positive.

4. When we think, we see

When we think about anything, it turns into a life experience. Even if we are imagining being somewhere that we never were before, it is pictured in the brain. Do you want to change the world? Change your thoughts.

5. We need to train and strengthen the brain

Our brain is no different than any muscle in the body, we must train it. The way that we do it includes working out, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, going new places, making notes, doing something new, dancing and even playing brain games.

6. Our brain does not rest

Even while we are sleeping, the brain continues to work. It is even working harder during the sleeping hours.

7. We need to shut down sometimes

In order to keep from being overwhelmed with negative thoughts, we need to shut down on occasion. It gives our immune system a break and for the brain, it is the perfect type of relaxation.

8. Forgetting is a good thing

In order to save new memories, our brain needs to clear out the old ones. It would be nice to decide what we remember and what we forget. If you want to preserve something, you must use it more often.

9. Our brain does not feel pain

Our brain may react to pain but it doesn’t have the receptors that cause it to feel pain. That isn’t true of the blood vessels, nerves and tissues that surround the brain.

10. Our brain can change

When we perform new activities, we form new neural connections. As we think about something, it strengthens in our consciousness over time. If you start to think about something else, however, your brain presents opportunities to realise the goal.

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