10 Powerful And Natural Antibiotics You Should Know

We live in a world that is full of bacteria, and it exists everywhere, from on our skin to inside of our body and even in the soil under our feet. Much of the bacteria is harmless or perhaps even helpful but it times, we may run into a type of bacteria that can cause a serious or life-threatening situation.

Antibiotics have done a lot for the field of medicine and they have even turned infections that would’ve taken a life into an issue that was temporary, at best. The unfortunate reality is that antibiotics have been overprescribed over the years and this has led to resistant strains of bacteria that are extremely difficult to treat. Not only that, prescription antibiotics will kill the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria, as they don’t discriminate one from the other.

If you are ready to experience the benefits of what natural medicine has to offer, the following 10 natural antibiotics should be on your list of things to know. Not only are they a powerful solution when you may have an infection, there are times when they may even save your life.


What Is the Issue With Superbugs?

A superbug is a type of bacteria that does not respond to prescription antibiotics. It has become resistant to them over the years, and they are extremely difficult to treat. With each time they are treated with a regular antibiotic, they become stronger and now they have developed antibiotic resistance.

Fortunately, we do have the option of using natural antibiotics to fight mild bacterial infection. This can help to limit the possibility that we will experience a bacterial infection that is resistant to the use of prescription antibiotics.

How to Choose a Natural Antibiotic

An antibiotic is not only able to fight bacteria, some can fight certain types of fungi and parasites. An antibiotic is not able to fight a virus, however, and that is why you won’t get a prescription for the flu or a common cold.

Just as a prescription antibiotic cannot fight a virus, natural antibiotics will be ineffective when treating a virus as well. You can also further separate a natural antibiotic into an antibacterial and antifungal category. Medicinal antibiotics may fight both but natural antibiotics are more specific in most cases.

If you plan on using a natural antibiotic, talk to your medical practitioner about doing it before you begin. The information provided in this article should not supersede the instructions of your physician or a qualified health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or avoid seeking assistance because you want to try a natural solution.

Natural Antibacterials

Antibacterials are used against E. Coli or Salmonella, H. pylori, ear infections, strep throat, or wound infections.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Ginger extract

Onion extract

Horseradish root

Habenero Peppers


Garlic extract

Raw Honey

Oregano Essential Oil

Natural Anti-Fungals

Anti-fungals are used against candida albicans overgrowth, athlete’s foot, skin rashes or yeast infections.

Echinacea root extract

Apple Cider Vinegar

Ginger extract


Raw honey extract

You can usually find these items in a supplement form at a local vitamin store. If you plan on using them, you should discuss it with your medical practitioner to learn about the correct dosage. Eating a proper diet full of these whole foods should also be considered.

Via: The Hearty Soul

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