3 Reasons Why You Need To STOP Using Your Smart Phone At Night Immediately

Most of us use technology in some form or another and at times, we may use it on an ongoing basis. That is especially true as far as our smartphone is concerned, as we use it to communicate with others, check things on social media and even play games. We might do it throughout the day but most of us tend to do it at night before going to bed. When you look at the facts, however, you may never do that again.

One of the common problems that many people talk about is mobile phone radiation. As it turns out, that isn’t the only thing you should be concerned about. The blue light that is put off by smartphones has also been linked to some serious health issues.

“Blue light is part of the full light spectrum, which means we’re exposed to it by the sun every day. However, nighttime exposure to that light, which is emitted at high levels by smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other LED screens, may be damaging your vision. It also suppresses production of the hormone melatonin, which throws off your body’s natural sleep cues.”


The Following 3 Problems Are Associated with Nighttime Smartphone Use:

1. Eye damage

Exposure to the blue light of smart phones has been shown to damage the retina and lead to macular degeneration. A problem with macular degeneration causes you to lose your central vision (what is directly in front of you).

Exposure to blue light may also be associated with the development of cataracts. 35-year-olds have been seen by doctors with eyes affected by cataracts similar to a 75-year-old. The doctor feels that smartphones are the main cause of that problem.

2. Loss of sleep

The blue light exposure from smartphone use disrupts the production of melatonin. The hormone, melatonin, regulates your circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle). If your sleep cycle is not regulated properly, you are not getting enough sleep and that could lead to a variety of health issues.

Lack of sleep could lead to the following:

Heart Disease and Other Cardiovascular Problems
Slower Response Time
Lack of Memory Recall
Aged Skin
Weight Gain

3. Increased cancer risk

The additional light at night results in sleep problems and that has also been linked to a higher rate of cancer. Breast and prostate cancer are at the top of that list. Melatonin is an antioxidant and it is essential for the natural fight against cancer.

In a nutshell, melatonin helps your body to fight cancer but the blue light decreases melatonin production. Disrupting the melatonin production a single time would not be a problem but if you use your phone for hours before going to bed, it happens every night of the year. This could really add up over time.

This graphic will help you to know how smartphone use affects the body:

You can learn more in this video:

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