Apparently, Missing A Single Vitamin From Your Diet Could Lead To Headaches And Migraines

There are many different types of headaches that we may experience, including tension headaches and sinus headaches. Out of all of the headaches that exist, however, one that is quite severe are migraine headaches. Not only can they lead to severe pain, they can be debilitating with the other symptoms you experience as well. Those symptoms include visual disturbances and sensitivity to light and sound.

When you experience the onset of a painful headache, it may stop you dead in your tracks. Most people need to simply give up for the rest of the day and go back to bed. There is now some evidence that supports the fact that irritating headaches could be caused by something we are lacking. Understanding what we are lacking and adding it into our lives may make all the difference in the world.


Painful headaches are a reality for millions of individuals and migraines are among the most severe. According to a holistic health physician, Dr. Weil, migraines affect 17% of women and 6% of men. Some people experience them with visual disturbances, such as blurry spots, while others experience pounding headaches that ruin the rest of their day. Along with the sensitivity to light and sound that was discussed above, many people experience nausea and vomiting.


Migraines are a very serious problem and many prescription medications exist that may be able to help decrease or relieve the pain. Most of those prescription medications do not stop the migraine but rather, they are taken at the first sign of a migraine with the possibility of heading off the symptoms. If you are unfortunate enough to experience the problem, there is something that may be able to help prevent them from occurring again.

A number of studies have been done in the past to try to determine what triggers a migraine. Some have shown that it could be the weather while others involve certain types of foods, such as sugar. Serotonin levels may also play a large part in the flow of blood to the brain and could trigger a migraine.

One factor that you should consider is the possibility that you are vitamin deficient. Recent studies have shown that low levels of vitamin B6, B12, folic acid and vitamin D could trigger migraine headaches and increase your risk by up to 300%. Getting the right vitamin intake may be exactly what you need to avoid this problem.

Dr. Weil confirmed that there are a variety of foods that could put an end to migraine headaches. Food additives can be a problem, including nitrates, food coloring and MSG. The following foods may also trigger a migraine:





-Cheese (aged)


-Citrus Fruit






-Processed Meats



-Red Plums


-Soy Sauce


Along with understanding what foods may trigger a migraine headache, we also need to consider the effect of fatigue. If you are not getting enough sleep, it could easily trigger a migraine headache. Changes in barometric pressure, flashing lights, skipping meals and even smelling strong chemical substances could cause this problem.

You can learn more by watching this video:

If you suffer from frequent migraine headaches, take note of everything you ate or did on that day that you had one. You may be able to identify a pattern and find out what may be a problem for you specifically.

Via: Health Eternally

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