Having A Nap Can Improve Your Memory, Awareness And Much More

There are two types of people in the world, those who love taking naps and do it any chance they have and those who tend to avoid them like the plague. What you may not realise is that, in certain parts of the world, society basically shuts down so everyone can have a nap during that time.

Naps are more beneficial than many people realise so if you have the opportunity to have one, by all means do so. It is a part of a normal life and can fit quite well into our circadian rhythm. That rhythm regulates our sleep-wake cycle and it is something that is very important for our overall health.

When you consider how we feel throughout the day, you might recognise that your energy levels and concentration tend to wax and wane. It doesn’t matter if you have a long night sleep or not, you are going to experience those differences. If you’re ready to get back on track and recharge your batteries, taking a quick nap may just do it.


There are some companies that are actually encouraging their employees to have a nap before they continue working for the day. Medical studies show that companies who are nap oriented help to strengthen focus, productivity and performance.

According to a study at the University of Colorado, children who skip napping were at a greater risk for a lack of joy and interest. They also experienced issues, including anxiety and a reduction in their problem-solving skills.

The same is also true for adults. Researchers with Berkeley found out that adults who napped regularly had a stronger memory and learning skills. It had a positive effect on the brain and allowed them to refresh their mind.

How long should you nap?

Some experts claim that a proper nap should last anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. The brain will be regenerated and you will experience an improvement in its function. Naps tend to be lighter and shorter than sleeping so you should not extend your nap more than 20 minutes or you might feel groggy afterward.

If you nap for an hour, the body begins to sink into a deeper phase of sleep so you may feel more tired if you break it.

Longer naps around 90 minutes are intended for those who can’t sleep well during the night.

Sleeping and taking advantage of naps is favourable for the body and it helps to improve creativity and thinking capacity. Nap when you can and stay refreshed. Just make sure you don’t interrupt your nightly sleep pattern.

H/T: Healthy Food House

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