12 Amazing Ways to Use Vaseline

Vaseline hit the market in 1859 and since that time, it has been used for a wide variety of purposes. In fact, most people are surprised with how Vaseline has been used, because it is for more than just helping to soothe dry or cracked skin. Some people even use it for scrapes and burns!

The Vaseline website claims that it is purified three times in a distillation, de-aeration and filtration process. The jelly that comes out at the end of the process is hypoallergenic and non-irritating. It works by creating a sealing barrier between the cells to help moisturize dry or damaged skin.

If you are a household that uses Vaseline, you might be surprised with some of the other uses for this amazing product. The following 12 ingenious ways of using Vaseline will send you running to the store to stock up on additional product.

1. Body scrub – When you mix Vaseline with kosher salt, it creates an inexpensive moisturizing body scrub to be used in the shower. It is also possible to mix a little Vaseline with sugar for a DIY lip scrub as well

2. Stuck zippers – One of the more annoying things in life is finding out that your zipper is stuck, as it usually happens at an opportune moment when we are rushing out of the home. Put some Vaseline on the zipper and give it a tug, it will regain its original smooth use.

3. Phone Screens – Many people don’t realize this, but you can fix a scratched phone screen with Vaseline. Rather than spending a lot of money to have it repaired, fill the scratch with Vaseline and wipe off the excess. Be careful not to press too much of the Vaseline into the phone itself.

4. Leather Shoes – If you are dealing with leather shoes that have scuffs, you can use Vaseline to make them look as good as new. Dip a cotton swab in Vaseline and rub it on the scuff.

5. Painting – Are you doing some painting around the home? If you don’t want to get paing on the hinges, apply some Vaseline to the hinges first.

6. Manicures – If you are someone that loves manicures but don’t want to spend the money on a professional job, apply some Vaseline to your cuticles with a cotton swab. It keeps the nail polish from sticking to the skin and makes for a perfect finish.

7. Makeup – If you have a makeup stain on your shirt, dab some Vaseline on a damp washcloth and rub it into the stain. It will lift the makeup right off!

8. Squeaky Doors – Rather than using expensive spray lubricants, apply some Vaseline to the squeaky door hinges. It works its way into the hinge and no dripping. Remove the hinge pin and coat it with Vaseline and your squeaky troubles will be over.

9. Insects – The next time you go out for a hike or want to spend some time outdoors, apply some Vaseline to your skin. Mosquitoes and biting flies don’t stand a chance.

10. Watermarks on Wood – What could be more annoying than a stain ring on your favorite wood table? Apply a layer of Vaseline to the stain and wait overnight. When you wipe the Vaseline in the morning, you will be amazed with what you see.

11. Fragrance – Before you spray on your favorite perfume, put some Vaseline on the back of your wrist and neck where you apply your perfume. It makes the scent last all day.

12. Hair Treatment – Vaseline can be used to help tame frizzy or flyaway hair. It is also good for unruly eyebrows. You can also apply a little Vaseline to the ends of the hair to help protect from split ends and damage.

Via: Remedy Daily

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