9 Tricks To Save Time And Bring Order To Your Home

There is no doubt that having a home can be time-consuming, and there are going to be many things that need to be done around the home on a daily basis. When you understand the secrets to getting things done properly, however, you can stay organised and save yourself a considerable amount of time in the process.

It is especially true when it comes to cleaning, which is something we all strive to do regularly. We may spend an entire day cleaning up around the home and when we look at what we have done, we realise it wasn’t anywhere near what we would like to accomplish. That is no longer going to be the case, however, when you see these tips that will help you to keep organised and keep things clean.


1. Washing machine

It is not necessary to have expensive cleaning products to clean the washing machine. Just pour some regular vinegar into the drawer for the washing power and set it to a long wash. You can also strengthen your cleaning products with the help of vinegar. Add it to the washing powder and your clothes will be much cleaner.

2. Bathtubs

It is possible to clean the entire bathroom in a snap. What you need to do is heat up some vinegar in the microwave until it is warm. Mix the vinegar with a soapy solution in a spray bottle, 1:1. Don’t shake the bottle, spray the solution on the bathtub and leave it for 30 minutes before wiping all of the grime away with a sponge.

3. Window tracks

Window tracks can get pretty nasty but you can clean them easily by putting baking soda in the corners. Add some vinegar and when it stops bubbling, wipe it with some paper towels.

4. Toys

If you would like to clean up your toys easily, just pick them up and put them in a netted bag. This type of bag is typically used for hauling laundry and it is safe to use in the washing machine. Toss the entire bag in the wash and your job is done.

5. Stains

When you have marker or crayon on the floor, it is possible to get it clean again. If you are trying to remove permanent marker, use ordinary toothpaste on a wet cloth and rub it on the stain. You may also remove it using hairspray or deodorant. Finally, try some soda on a sponge. Just sprinkle the soda on the sponge, rub the area and rinse with water.

6. Nail polish stains

You may think that your carpeting is ruined when you spill some nail polish, but that is not true. There are some tricks to remove it easily. The first thing you can try is using nail polish remover and leaving it in the area for a minute. The other thing you can do is to try some regular stain remover and then wipe it with a damp cloth.

7. Microwave

You can clean the microwave in just five minutes. Cut a lemon in half, put it in a cup and add cinnamon. Put the cup in the microwave and turn it on for 5 minutes on low power. The lemon will clean and disinfect and the cinnamon will make it smell wonderful.

8. Kitchens

It is not necessary to spend hours cleaning the kitchen when you know this simple trick. Mix baking soda with vegetable oil until it forms a thick paste. Put that paste onto any area with fat or grease and leave it for up to 10 minutes. It should wipe away cleanly.

9. Dust

It can be frustrating to wipe dust away and see it reappear within a day. To stop this from happening, put a couple of drops of oil on a paper towel and wipe it across the dusty area. Wipe again with a clean towel. The thin layer of oil left behind will keep dust from accumulating.