Do These Twenty Things When You Are 30 So You’ll Feel GREAT When You Are 50

If there is one thing that most people have as they get a few more years of experience behind them, it’s regrets. Those regrets typically revolve around things they should have done when they were younger. You should realize, however, that you don’t have to have the same regrets because you can learn from the experience of others.

Would you like to be happy when you’re 50 years old? Now is the time to begin preparing for that happy lifestyle. The following advice is aimed at people who are in their 30s, but it could certainly be applied by people of any age. It will make a difference in your life.


1. Don’t smoke – One of the most important things to not do in your life is smoke cigarettes and if you do smoke, stop immediately. Smoking is one of those things that is 100% guaranteed to cause health problems.

2. Use sunscreen – You might be enjoying the tan now but when you hit 50, the damage from the sun will not be as attractive.

3. Save money – It may not be the most glamorous thing to do, but begin putting some money aside every week, even if it is only a little bit. It will come in handy later in life.

4. Relationships – Many people regret severed relationships with their parents and siblings when they get older. Now is the time to maintain or, if necessary, repair those relationships.

5. Collect memories – We are the sum of our experiences. Don’t spend all of your time collecting things, begin collecting memories instead.

6. Give – There is no doubt, it feels good to give back. Take some time to give something without expecting anything in return.

7. Sports – Take the time to live an active lifestyle now. You will likely be much healthier and more active when you’re 50.

8. Contentment – Happiness is not built by acquiring extra things, it is established by being content with what you have.

9. Goals – If you have any goals in life, don’t set them off to the side. Start on them today and don’t stop until they become a reality.

10. Sleep – Don’t live your life deprived of sleep. It will rob you of more in life than you want to give.

11. Teeth – When we are younger, we may not give our dental health the attention that it needs. As we get older, however, the lack of teeth will certainly be a problem.

12. Curiosity – When was the last time you had an adventure? Get out there in life and experience as much as you possibly can and turn everything into the biggest memory possible.

13. Eat healthy – If there is one thing that you can’t buy, it’s your health. Take the time now to eat healthy and you will reap the rewards for many years.

14. Read – Take the time to read a minimum of 10 books every year. Don’t forget to exercise your brain.

15. Meditate – I am not talking about religious meditation, I’m taking about sitting back and giving your brain a rest. It is a luxury in today’s world, so take advantage of it.

16. Travel – There is little that can change you as much as traveling, so take the time to do as much of it as possible. It is an experience that you will never regret.

17. Comparisons – Don’t worry about everyone around you, worry about yourself. Comparing yourself with others when you are younger is an exercise in futility.

18. Journaling – Life tends to move so quickly that many of us forget the most important things that take place. Keep a diary and write down what takes place on a daily basis. It will be fantastic to review when you get older.

19. Friendships – Surround yourself with people who are truly your friends. They are the ones who will be with you through thick and thin and they will be there for you when you’re 50 and beyond.

20. Own a home – This may not be as easy as it once was, but when you own a home, it gives you the chance to relax at the end of the day.

Via: Bright Side

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