Get Rid of Flies This Summer, All Summer Long

We all look forward to the summer season but there is something we don’t look forward to, flies. They tend to ruin our time outdoors, regardless of whether we are sitting on the back porch or enjoying a barbecue with family and friends. They certainly are unsanitary, and they are a common feature in many of our yards, all throughout the summer. If you have ever had your days outdoors ruined by flies, you are about to have a big smile put on your face.

Many of us look for a natural way to get rid of flies or other insects. We may have heard of a lot of different ways of doing so, but this is one that you probably have never heard of before. The fact the matter is, it works! It is also inexpensive and you likely have everything necessary to get started.

The first thing you need to do is gather your supplies:

Plastic Sandwich Bags
Lime Juice
A Few Pennies


Put 2 1/2 cups of water in a bowl and add salt and lime juice. 2 or three squirts of lime juice should suffice. It isn’t an exact measurement, the lime juice is in the solution to keep the pennies shiny.

Stir the mixture together. It will look like plain water but the effects will last longer when you add salt and lime juice.

After you mix it together, pour it into a Ziploc bag until it is almost full.

Finally, drop the pennies into the bag and then seal it shut.


You can use a paper clip to hang this in your backyard. It will hold the bag wherever you put it. Simply attach string to any type of overhang, from the edge of the porch to a tree branch.


That’s all there is to it! Add a few of these around your yard and the flies will disappear.

Via: NX2

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