9 Different Ways Your Dog Says “I Love You”

When we have a dog in the family, we certainly recognise the unconditional love that they give to us. They are there for us through thick and thin, regardless of whether we are up or down. That love is obvious to anyone in the family, but there are some things about the love they show that may not be as obvious.

Many of us would love to know what our dogs are really thinking and if you understand their body language, it is possible to do so. The following 9 different things your dog may do will show you that they love you wholeheartedly.


1. They lick your face

This may be disgusting to many people but dogs are doing it just to let you know that they love you. They want to groom you and care for you and it is a sign of intimacy.

2. They care for you when you’re sick

Did you ever notice that your dog may lick an area where you are sore? This is their attempt to try to heal you and to stay near you while you are feeling under the weather.

3. They share their toys

When a dog comes in the room and drops a toy your lap, it may mean that they are giving you an offering. When they share, it means they care.

4. Cuddling after eating

Dogs live to eat, so when they take the time to cuddle up with you after they eat, it means they are in their ultimate happy place.

5. They sleep in your bed


People may have their own opinion on whether a dog should sleep in the bed with us or not but if they do, it means they are totally devoted to you. It is a sign of loyalty and dedication.

6. They follow you around

If your dog seems glued to you as you move around the home, it means they love you and consider you a part of the pack.

7. They yawn when you yawn

We recognise that yawns are contagious among humans but they are also contagious from a human to a dog. It has to do with empathy, and it means that they trust and love you.

8. They are calm when you leave

Many people think that panic is a sign of love but it’s actually a sign of separation anxiety. If your dog stays calm while you are leaving, it means they love and trust you.

9. They flip out when you return

When your dog loves you, they are obviously going to be excited to see you come home.


Via: Tip Hero

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