Awesome Tips for Spring Cleaning

It doesn’t matter if you call it spring cleaning, housecleaning or any other type of cleaning, there will come a time when you need to hit the nooks and crannies inside of the home. When that time comes, you want to come to the plate with everything at your disposal. That is what this article is designed to do, to help you to get through the cleaning in the best, most efficient way possible.

My mother always used to say that there was a right way, a wrong way and an easy way to do anything. I don’t know about you, but if I can do something easier without harming the end result, that is the path I wish to choose.


1. Use an iron and damp washcloth for carpet stains
Put a damp washcloth on any tough to remove carpet stains and place an iron on it. The warmth of the iron is going to pull the stain out of the carpet.

2. Cutting boards
Sprinkle some lemon and kosher salt on cutting boards that have become stained. It will get into all of the nooks and crannies to get it clean again.

3. Cookie sheets
Make a paste out of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Rub the paste on the cookie sheets in little circles and let it sit for a few hours. After rinsing, they should be good as new

4. Showerhead
Wrap the showerhead in a plastic bag filled with white vinegar. Use a twist tie to keep it in place for two hours. After the time has elapsed, wipe it down and remove the bag.

5. Mattress
Vacuum the entire surface of the mattress and then sprinkle it with baking soda. After waiting two hours, vacuum it again.

6. Cheese grater
A cheese grater is one of the more difficult items to clean the kitchen, unless you know to use a potato! Simply grate up a potato when you are done using it and it will clean the gunk. You can then wash away the potato.

7. Microwave
Mix one part water and one part vinegar. Microwave on high for two minutes and it will steam your microwave clean. After you finish steaming it, wipe away any grime.

8. Toys
The easiest way to clean plastic toys is to put them on the top rack of your dishwasher and let it do the work!

9. Coffee maker
An equal part of water and white vinegar brewed through the coffee pot will help to clean it. Use a paper filter to help clean the reservoir. Be sure to run water through it at least twice after you clean it.

10. Blinds
Dip an old sock in one part water and one part vinegar. Wipe the sock across each slat individually and then use the second sock to dry.

11. Cast iron pans
A mixture of olive oil and kosher salt will clean your cast-iron skillet without harming the baked on awesomeness.

12. Paintings
Slice a bagel and rub the inside of it over a painting softly. It will remove the dust and lint without damaging the painting.

13. Remove gunk
One part baking soda and one part coconut oil makes an awesome gunk remover.

14. Blender
This is the easiest appliance in the home clean. Put some warm water in the blender, enough to cover the blades, and then put a few drops of dish soap in it. Run the blender for a few moments and voilà… Clean!

15. Toothbrush
Your toothbrush is disgusting. Put it in a mixture of two parts water and one part vinegar for 30 minutes. Make sure you rinse it before you use it.

16. Toaster
After emptying out the inside of the toaster, you can clean the outside using a mixture of cream of tartar and water.

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