The Horrifying Reasons Why You Should Never Wash Your Face in the Shower

When most of us get in the shower, we expect to wash our entire body from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet. Although it may be common to wash your face in the shower as well, skin experts are now warning against doing so. Once you learn the reason why you should not wash your face in the shower, you may never do it again!

One of the primary reasons why you should not wash your face in the shower is because the temperature of the average shower is far too high for delicate facial skin. Although you may feel as if you’re getting it “extra clean,” you may actually be damaging the skin and drying it out.


According to Dr. Tansey, a skin expert, it is better to use lukewarm or cold water on your delicate face. It is much easier to gauge the temperature of the water at the sink than to try to gauge it while you are standing in the shower.

Dehydration is a serious problem that can leave your facial skin damaged. In addition, if skin redness is a problem for you, you may have blotchy skin because of the warm water of the shower as well.

Finally, many people tend to take a shortcut and use shampoo or conditioner to wash their face while they are in the shower. It seems easy to do so but quite frankly, those cleansers were made for the hair, not for the delicate skin of your face.

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