2. Thrill your little Anna, Elsa, or Kristoff with a batch of Frozen silly putty.
Learn how to make some here.
4. Lego loving kids will flip over this wall storage, too.
I don’t know if everything is awesome, but this certainly is. Find the DIY here.
6. Is your kid a fan of The Little Mermaid? If so, their jaw will drop over this decoration.
Learn how to make a room look like it’s under the sea here.
8. Turn a regular fan into an amazing rainbow one.
Rainbow or not, your voice will still sound like Darth Vader. Find the how-to here.
9. Edible playdough is pretty incredible, too.
Find the tutorial here along with a link to a how-to for making ice cream playdough.
10. This indoor baby swing is guaranteed to impress your toddler.
Not feeling this ambitious? You can buy something similar here.
11. This airplane swing for the backyard will seriously impress little ones, too.
Find out how to build one yourself here.
12. Older kids, meanwhile, will want this skateboard swing in their yard. Like, now.
Why didn’t our parents think of this stuff? Learn how to DIY your own here.
13. Make this fluffy stuff so even California kids can experience a snowball fight this winter.
Learn how to make it here.
14. Set up a robot building play station.
Perfect for parties or an afternoon activity.
17. Making a bucket’s worth of sand slime will win you some serious cool points, too.
Find the tutorial here.
18. Turn a regular bath into a super cool polka dot one.
Don’t tell your kids, but there’s an educational component to this one, too. Learn more here.
19. If you build it, they will play.
Epic backyard treehouse = winning childhood. Learn how to make one here.
22. Serving ice cream in bowls made out of chocolate? Yes, please.
It looks way harder than it is, thanks to this DIY using balloons.