She Painted All Of Her Old CDs Black. When She Was Finished, I’m Loving It!

We may have spent years collecting all of the music we love on CDs but now that we have reached the next generation, they aren’t really good for much. Typically, they just gather dust but most of us could not imagine throwing them out the curb.

Fortunately, you don’t have to!

After you see this brilliant DIY project to use your old CDs, you will rush to try it yourself. It is a fantastic way to bring new life to something that was so precious to you, and they can be used in so many areas of the home.


The first step is to gather your supplies. You’ll need some dark acrylic paint, a pencil, paintbrush, screwdriver and, of course, some old CDs.


Paint the metallic side of the CD and allow it to dry.


Draw your design using the pencil on top of the fresh paint


The pencil allows you to make your mark without having it show up later. You can still do your design but the finished product is much nicer if you use a pencil.


Once you are happy with the design, use the sharp tip of the screwdriver and scratch off the paint. Make sure to take your time and stay in the pencil marks.


As you remove the paint with the screwdriver, it will expose the shinny side of the CD underneath. The effect is awesome.

Continue to work with your design, removing paint as needed.

The finished product is incredible!


You can group these together on the wall or use them anywhere in the home


Since you can’t see through the CD, you can use blue painters tape to hold the CD in place. It works great without damaging the wall paint underneath.


Via: Instructables

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