Experts Have Discovered You Can Soothe Cranky Babies by Doing This to Their Feet

One of the problems that many new parents face is when their baby is cranky. At times, it doesn’t seem to matter what the parent does, there is no consoling the child and it is just a matter of waiting it out. That is, of course, until you learn this awesome little trick.

The fact the matter is, cranky babies may not always be fussy for the same reasons. They may have a stomachache, a headache, various aches and pains or they may even be catching a cold. The problem is, babies can’t tell you what is wrong, so often, it is hit and miss on the parents part.

There may be some medications or other treatments recommended by pediatricians and it is always important to follow through on the recommendations. There may also be home remedies, however, and many parents are turning to those remedies because they do not carry the same side effects as do pills and syrups.

One of the natural treatments that many parents are now trying is foot reflexology. When you understand just some of the basics of reflexology, it may be able to help you to calm a fussy child. After all, each area of the foot is connected to different parts of the body, including the muscles and organs. By applying gentle pressure to those areas you may be able to help relieve discomfort in the part of the body that is causing your baby to be fussy.

Although foot reflexology can be used on people of any age, it is often overlooked in babies. The fact of the matter is, however, since the young foot has not yet developed fully, it may be more receptive to the gentle rubbings and pressure from a parent’s hands.

Your Guide to Baby Foot Reflexology


Babies are often more receptive to natural treatments than parents. When an infant is crying or experiencing discomfort, we may naturally rub various parts of their body, such as their hands or tummy without really thinking about it.

Doing so may be a natural reaction, however, because there are reflex points on those parts of the body that can be directly associated with various body symptoms. The chart above can give you a general idea of the reflexology points you will need to know to care for those problems a baby may experience.

Of course, you should never ignore the advice of a pediatrician or a medical expert.

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