This Plant Could Kill A Child In One Minute Or An Adult in 15

Most of us enjoy having plants around the home and there can even be some benefits to doing so. Not only do they help to filter the air and remove toxins, it can provide fresh oxygen so that we can breathe easier. Like anything in nature, however, you would need to be cautious when you were choosing a plant.

Although many plants are healthy and have benefits to humans, there is something that you need to know. According to this report by a distraught mother, “My son died because he put a piece of leaf in his mouth and tongue, and these swelled up to suffocate him. This plant is very common in many homes and offices. It is deadly poisonous and dangerous, to the point of killing a child in 1 minute and an adult in 15 minutes. If you touch it by chance, you should never bring your fingers to your eyes, as this could cause permanent blindness. I urge you to warn your friends and family right away.”


This is a warning that everyone needs to hear. It can help to save lives of both children and adults.

15-year-old Esteban was playing, he told his mother that he wasn’t feeling well. She thought that it was just fatigue or indigestion but she started worrying when she saw her son was turning a strange colour and had a difficulty with breathing.

An ambulance was called immediately and they transferred her son to the hospital. He was admitted for poisoning emergency, even though nobody knew what was really happening.

After a half hour, the doctors had to go give the mother the sad news that her son didn’t make it. He had eaten something that caused poisoning. She had no idea what it could be.

The doctor suggested a blood test which revealed that he had a large amount of calcium oxalate in his system. The chemical is found in a plant known as Diefenbaker or better known in countries of Latin America as Amoena. It is a plant that is commonly kept in the home because it is low maintenance and high resilience. It doesn’t need a lot of sunlight so you can keep it in the shade.

If you do have this plant in the home, you need to be extremely cautious, especially where children are involved.

In 2006, there were over 64,000 cases of poisoning with plants. 75% of those cases came from children under the age of five.

When a person suffers poisoning due to Diefenbaker, it is recommended that you clean the mouth with a cold, wet cloth and rinse the eyes if there was eye contact. Ingesting milk may also help to dilute the poisons.

The poisons that this plant produces are very dangerous and could be life-threatening to both children and adults.

This video shows you the plant:

H/T: Healthy Living Style

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