The Reason You Have Nighttime Leg Cramps and What to Do about Them

A Charlie horse has to be one of the most uncomfortable sensations I have ever had. Not only is it painful, it tends to strike at the most inappropriate time and it can even wake you up out of the middle of a sound sleep.

Although some types of pain comes and goes, cramping is one of those that tends to stick around. It is caused by muscle spasms and the pain you experience tends to linger. Just at the moment you think it is finally going away, it comes back with a vengeance. It’s true that you may be able to stretch it out but sometimes, these spasms strike at very random moments.

If you are somebody that has experienced a Charlie horse, you are likely the same person that wants to avoid them at all costs. Fortunately, it is possible to do so by identifying the reason why you are having cramps and then looking for a solution that will work for you. Read on to learn more.

What Are Leg Cramps?


A Charlie horse is a type of leg cramp that is caused by a painful muscle spasm. It tends to occur in the calf, thigh or foot. It earned its name because the cramping sensation feels like you are getting a horse kick to the quads.

This type of problem tends to affect most people at night, usually when they are just about to wake up or as they are drifting off to sleep. There’s something about being jerked awake by a painful sensation that is just unbelievably inconvenient.

What Are the Causes of leg cramps?

Cause 1: Dehydration


One of the first things to look into when you experience muscle cramping is dehydration. This issue could occur because you are not drinking enough water, due to extended periods of exercise or both.

When you sweat, you lose electrolytes along with the water. Electrolytes help control muscle contraction, so when they are in short supply, we may experience spasming.

Cause 2: Cold


Many people enjoy being cold when they sleep, and it may actually help you to sleep better. If you need to crack the window, however, be sure your legs are covered.

It’s not understood why leg cramps are more common when cold temperatures hit them, but it may be due to your muscles contracting during that time.

Cause 3: Standing


Many of us need to be on our feet all day at work. It’s similar to working out, except we are unlikely to stretch.

Putting a strain on our leg muscles all day can make cramping more likely to occur at night. This is especially so if you wear high heels.

Cause 4: Exercise


Exercise is great for the health and it could really help to build up your muscle strength and reduce the possibility for cramping.

The hours that follow exercise, however, are the hours when leg cramps may sometimes occur. This could be due to muscle soreness and exhaustion.

How Can I Prevent Leg Cramping?

Solution 1: Soap


Nobody knows why, but many people have found that sticking a bar of soap between the bottom sheet and the mattress while you sleep works wonders with cramps.

It doesn’t appear that any particular brand is better than the other and some people think that it is just a placebo.

On the other hand, there have been reports of arthritic dogs benefiting from this method, so there may be something to it.

Solution 2: Warm Showers


When our muscles are warm, they tend to function better. Taking a steaming shower may be just what is needed to help ease the problem. In addition, allowing the water to hit your legs directly can act as a massage.

You may find that soaking in a hot bath provides a similar benefit.

Solution 3: Pickle Juice


When we sweat, one of the first things we lose is salt, and pickle juice is loaded with salt.

The salt, sugar and vinegar in pickle juice may help to replenish the micronutrients that have become depleted. This could lead to better muscle control and fewer contraction.

Solution 4: Bananas


Most of us don’t need any reason to eat a good banana, but if you have leg cramps, it certainly is a reason.

Ballerinas regularly eat bananas, as it can help to reduce muscle cramps. It works because bananas are full of potassium, an additional micronutrient that we need for better muscle control.

Via: Little Things

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