Three People Accepted A Sweet In Church And Ended Up In Hospital – Must Read

I don’t actually know how to report this story, I am literally that shocked and upset. I don’t even know what advice to give other than to have a serious discussion with your children about only ever taking sweets from people they know really well. I know that we have all grown up with the never accept kids from strangers message, but this has become even more important with the latest development.


It appears that people are lacing certain jelly bear style sweets with THC which is often contained within marijuana. This came to light when three people at a local church service became very ill after being given these sweets innocently as it turns out by another member of the congregation. The generous donator of the sweets had no idea they contained 450mg of THC. To give you some idea a full cannabis joint contains about 35mg of THC.


All three people who took the sweets ended up in hospital the 24-year-old man was discharged later the same evening, but two teenage girls were kept in for a few days. This was, after all, a serious overdose, 40 times higher than smoking a joint. The boy who gave out the sweets had a mental disability, and it is unknown how he came to be in possession of these sweets.


There is even a possibility someone tricked him into handing them out. The real concern is the speed with which these sweets are spreading, and the fact that they are virtually identical to ordinary everyday sweets. And of course, both of them are very appealing to children. All we can do is be very very aware of these sweets and ensure that your children know the rules , regarding who they are allowed to accept sweets from. Please share this story with your friends and family and lets keep people safe.
