Why You Should Be Saving Your Child’s Baby Teeth

Medical research is amazing and from time to time, they may discover something that could easily save a life. New research has recently shown that baby teeth contain stem cells that are almost exactly the same as what is found in cord blood. Why is that important for you to know?


Admittedly, many parents like to hang onto the baby teeth of their child for as long as possible. Scientists are now saying that it may be important to do so for their life!

These stem cells found in cord blood are so valuable to the health of the child that some parents are paying thousands of dollars to have it banked. Those stem cells could come in handy someday because it may actually save the child’s life or another close relative of the child if they were to have a serious illness.

The cord blood is a type of insurance policy, even if it is an expensive policy. It is the lifesaving potential that is in the stem cells which can make a difference.


It has been determined that it is not only cord blood that contains those stem cells, baby teeth contain the same types of cells as well! Contained within those tiny teeth is the power to cure diseases that could be life-threatening. Stem cells can also be used for tissue replacement and for regrowing bones with of the body. Dr. Jesse Witkoff, a pediatric dentist had the following to say:

“We don’t have treatment for certain things today, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have them tomorrow,”

One of the benefits that may come about as a result of saving the stem cells is the cure for type I diabetes. There may also be many other benefits that they provide as well.

Recent medical advances in both stem cell research and baby teeth have made it quite popular to store them long-term. In fact, there are storage facilities cropping up in many parts of the world to save those precious little items.

It may also be possible to purchase kits that allow you to store the baby teeth as they fall out. Preserving them for the future in this way may just save a life.

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