Cook Your Own Personal Pizza In Six Minutes And It Tastes Like It Came From A Pizzeria

There are so many different types of food to choose from but a favourite for most people is pizza. Not only is it delicious on its own, you can have it made exactly as you like it by adding toppings or changing up the crust. If you love pizza, it is time for you to bring it home this unique pizza oven.

The fact of the matter is, the perfect pizza doesn’t come about because of the sauce nor is it the dough, it is all about the oven. The unfortunate thing is, most of us don’t have the room nor the money to put in our own pizza oven but that is about to change. Thanks to the Pizzacraft Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven, you can have the perfect pizza when you want it and you don’t have to call for carryout!


This pizza oven sits on a gas burner on top of your stove and can generate heat of up to 600°. That is more than most conventional ovens are able to manage. You can make the perfect personal pan pizza in only six minutes. Yes, you can only make one at a time but this is so handy, you can feed most families in under a half hour.






You can buy this on Amazon UK or Amazon US.

Via: Bored Panda

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