The Causes of Canine Depression and What to Do about It

Any dog owner knows that our pups have a wide range of emotions. Although some people may doubt those emotions, we get to see them on a day-to-day basis. Of course, it’s easy to know when our pets are happy to see us, or if they are a bit reserved when company is over. You may miss, however, one of the more common problems with animals and that is depression.

You might be surprised to learn that experts feel 1 out of every 4 dogs suffers from clinical depression. Although there are things that you can do about it, the first step is to recognize the problem and understand why they are experiencing it.

Cause 1: Medical Problems


We all know how difficult it can be to experience medical problems or ongoing pain. Those issues can also affect the mental health of our dog. If the cause of the depression is medically related, watch them closely and call your veterinarian if the problem persists.

Cause 2: Lifestyle Changes


When large changes happen to our daily routine, it can often be difficult to adjust. That is also true when it comes to our dogs, and changes to their daily routine can certainly throw them out of whack. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about bringing a new baby into the house or a change in your work schedule, you can expect your dog to be affected.

Cause 3: Loss of Companion


The loss of a companion is one of the most devastating issues that can happen to any of us, including our dogs. According to WebMD, the loss of either a companion animal or an owner is the most common reason for dog depression.

Cause 4: Depressed Owner


Dogs will often play off of our feelings, so it is not unusual to think that depression on our part can lead to depression on their part. Unfortunately, some people who are depressed may not take proper care of their dogs, leading to additional problems.

Cause 5: Seasonal Changes


One type of depression that affects people is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It seems as if animals can also be affected by the change in the seasons or even if the weather is gloomy. This tends to be a temporary problem, so you may just need to ride out the storm.

Cause 6: Old-Age


It is possible that dogs may sense when they are getting older, which could lead to a form of depression.

Treatment 1: Exercise


Healthy exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your animal. If they are depressed, exercise may help to lift their mood and provide them with a boost of natural body chemicals to keep them out of their depression.

Treatment 2: Reward Happiness


Dogs learn from being rewarded for their behavior, so if they show signs of being happy, you may wish to reward them for it. Anytime your dog appears to show some signs of happiness, give them plenty of love and some special treats. Make sure you don’t reward them for being depressed.

Treatment 3: New Companion


If the loss of a companion animal is causing the depression in your dog, bringing a new companion into the home may be just what the doctor ordered. Make sure you consider the needs of both the dog and the family in this regard.

Treatment 4: Social Interaction


At times, dogs just need to be social with other dogs as it can provide a boost in exercise and activity. If there is a local dog park, you may wish to give it a visit so he can get in some playtime with other canines.

Treatment 5: Lots of Love


There is nothing wrong with giving your dog a lot of love when they are experiencing depression. At times, the extra attention you give may be just what they need but it benefits you as well. Loving and petting the dog has many physical and mental benefits for humans as well, including lower high blood pressure.

Treatment 6: Visit the Vet


At times, you may not be able to pinpoint the reason why your dog is depressed, nor do you know what to do about it. If the depression seems to be persistent, take the dog to the veterinarian to check for any underlying issues that may need some attention.

Via: Little Things

All of us want to make sure our dogs are as happy as possible. Make sure you share this post with others so they can benefit from the information.