Create Your Own Custom Storage Boxes

If there is one thing that we tend run out of regularly, it’s enough storage boxes. We may have some sitting around but more than likely, they aren’t exactly what we need as far as size and fit are concerned. That isn’t even to mention the high price of storage boxes, which makes it difficult for us to have what we need.

Fortunately, parents who have newborns are not going to be short on supplies when it comes to creating your own storage boxes at home. As a matter of fact, you likely have enough boxes in your recycle bin right now, along with some old sweaters, to create the cutest and most functional storage boxes of all time.


First of all, take the box you want to use and cut off the four flaps with a sharp knife or a pair of scissors. Try to keep the sides as level as possible.


Find an old sweater that is ready for consignment and put the box inside of it. Doing so will allow you to measure enough sweater so that it will cover the four sides of the box. Make sure you leave a few extra inches at the top and don’t be too concerned about the bottom, because nobody is going to see it.


Mark the sweater and remove the box from inside of it. Cut the section using sewing scissors and you should be left with a large circle sweater.


Turn the box upside down and stuff it back into the sweater. You then want to secure the sweater to the box and the easiest way to do so is with a hot glue gun.


The extra few inches that you left at the top of the sweater length will be at the top of the box. Flip the box over and fold the sweater inside of it. Use the hot glue gun to secure it properly.


Adding a little bit of ribbon along the inside edge can certainly take things to the next level as far as cuteness is concerned. You can also use some ribbon to line the outside of the box as well. Don’t be overly concerned with areas that nobody is going to see but decorating it where it can be seen makes it truly unique.


Handles can be added as an accent but be cautious about using them for supporting any serious weight.


One idea that you can use for a handle is some twisted rope that is knotted on the ends. It goes along nicely with the sweater material.

For this project, the storage box was used for storing diapers. It is rather ironic, considering it started out as a diaper box but they really fit nicely!


Via: ThriftyandChic

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