11 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Car Like a Boss

Although we may feel as if winter is never going to come to an end, in reality, spring is just around the corner. With spring comes a new life and a fresh beginning and for many of us, it means that spring cleaning is just around the corner as well.

Although many of us focus our attention on our homes when it is time to clean in the spring, we should not neglect our automobiles. They have had a rough winter as well and giving them a thorough cleaning in the spring can certainly help them to survive yet another year.

The following tips can assist you in making sure that your automobile is as clean as possible. Take the time to put these tips into practice and your car will be the envy of anyone who rides in it.

1. Cupcake Liners – One of the issues that many of us face are dirty cup holders. They tend to accumulate a lot of dirt and debris but that is no longer a problem when you put cupcake liners inside. It is a preventative measure that you will love.


2. Windshield Wipers – Do you ever have a problem with windshield wipers that smear? It can be quite distracting and even dangerous. Rub your windshield wipers with rubbing alcohol and they will be streak free this spring.


3. Air Vents– The vents in your car have a lot of little moving parts that tend to get dirty over the course of time. Using a small foam brush can help you to get in those nooks and crannies.


4. Hubcaps – After a long winter, the hubcaps can look rather disgusting. Rather than spending your money on commercial hub cap cleaner, you can use a homemade paste made of cleaning powder and water.


5. Grill Cleaning – Throughout the winter, your grill has been the focus of anything heading toward your car and it likely shows it. You can clean the grill using dryer sheets, as they will leave it beautiful and shiny.


6. Headlights – Are your headlights dingy? You can brighten them and restore some of the function by cleaning them with toothpaste. Choose a type of toothpaste with baking soda and it will help your lights to sparkle.


7. Floor Mats – The winter tends to be rather rough on your floor mats as well. Spray them with a stain spray and throw them in the washing machine. After a run through the dryer they should be as good as new.


8. Pet Hair – Does your pet tend to go on rides with you? You can get rid of a lot of the hair by spraying the seats with water and then using a squeegee to gather the pet hair into one location.


9. Dashboard – Dashboards get surprisingly sticky in a short amount of time. You can get rid of the stickiness using a little bit of Goo Gone and a rag.


10. Windshield – Although it is a good idea to squeegee your windshield at the gas station, sometimes we forget. You can get your windshield spotless by using glass cleaner and very fine steel wool. Top it off with a layer of RainX and you’re good to go.


11. Leather Interior – Does your leather interior leaves something to be desired? Don’t let the leather age unnecessarily. Use an old toothbrush with a combination of baking soda and water to get the crevices as clean as a whistle.


Via: Tip Hero

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