She Turns a Dresser on Its Side and Makes It into Something Remarkable

The girl in this DIY project is Corey and she is working on a dresser, but doing it in a most unconventional way. When she first found the dresser, it was for sale at a garage sale for only $15 and she started by doing something most unusual, she removed all of the drawers!

She was attracted to the shape of the dresser because it was symmetrical on every side. Of course, that is fairly common among dressers but when she saw the top of the bottom of the dresser were the same, she realized it would be perfect for her new DIY project.

Another part that attracted her to this dresser is the fact that it was made out of high quality wood. She bought it, took it home and got started.


She flipped the dresser on it’s side to see what would happen.


When she saw how it looked, she realized it could be transformed into an awesome piece of furniture that would double as storage for shoes and coats.

Corey got busy stripping the dresser down to bare wood and added some additional support to the already sturdy piece.


After adding the reinforcements, she began to completely re-create what was, at one time, an ordinary dresser.

Additional shelves are added to the right side of the piece that were not there prior to the time she started working on it.


The faces of the drawers that she removed when she started the project were repainted.


After applying a coat of paint, she installed rows of hooks in the empty drawers to the left of the dresser.


After the project was completed, it looked absolutely amazing. Originally, it likely held somebody’s shorts, socks and underwear but now, it is perfect for inside the front door at her home.

Not only can she hang her coats to the left, she has plenty of space for more items to decorate it to the right.


The hidden part in the lower half of the right side opens up to display an area that is perfect for storing shoes.


She uses this inside of her front door for any items that need removed as they come inside. It is a perfect catchall for keys, jackets, glasses, shoes and much more.

Via: Sawdust2Stitches

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