6 Things That Cause Cancer in the Home

All of us would like to feel as if we were safe in our home but unfortunately, there may be some dangers lurking underneath the surface. Some of those dangers can even make us sick and in the most extreme cases, could lead to cancer. Understanding the major causes of cancer in the home is the first step in leading a healthier life.

Of course, most of us are familiar with cancerous chemicals, such as formaldehyde and chloride, which are found in many household products. Some of those products include shampoo, rubber and offgassing from carpeting, woodwork and paint. In reality, there are a few other items that you may feel are harmless but they can be extremely dangerous to your family. Here are 6 that you would want to consider.


1 Air Fresheners

Many of us enjoy the scent of air fresheners, but they could be quite harmful to your family. The carcinogens and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are contained within those items have been shown to cause a variety of problems, from worsening asthma to reproductive problems.

According to studies at the University Of Washington, all of the tested air fresheners put off chemicals that are considered hazardous or toxic under federal laws. As you can imagine, none of those chemicals were listed on the label.

2. Candles

It is estimated by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission that 40% of candles sold worldwide have lead wires in the wick. This is especially a problem for scented candles.

If you are using a candle with a lead core, it can release up to 5 times as many hazardous chemicals than one without lead in the wick. This would cause it to exceed standards set by the EPA for clean air inside of the home.

3. Art Supplies

Displaying your creative side may also be harmful, as many art supplies contain chemicals that can lead to a variety of health problems. Some of those chemicals can affect allergies, lead to cancer and can damage the organs.

Children, who often enjoy using art supplies are particularly vulnerable because they have a higher metabolism and their immune system is not fully developed.

4. Shampoos

One would think that something as basic as shampoo would be safe, but that is not true. Many shampoos contain a long list of toxic ingredients, some of which may have issues associated with them that are not even known yet. It is a safer option to use an organic or homemade shampoo.

5. Antiperspirants

Antiperspirants offer a double dose of problems. Not only are they known to contain chemicals that could lead to cancer, including aluminum, they are designed to stay on the body for hours at a time. It is more likely for those chemicals to be absorbed because of the way that antiperspirants act on the human body.

There are some natural alternatives for antiperspirant and you may want to look into those options.

6. Shower Curtains

One of the top issues that many of us experience in the home is a problem with VOCs. They can come from many areas, but shower curtains are one of the worst. They not only omit these chemicals into the air that you breathe, they also release them into the environment when they are disposed of.

Video: The Top 10 Toxins to Avoid and Replace in Your Home

Dr. Daniel Pompa talks about the top 10 toxins that can be found in most homes. They can pollute your indoor environment, leading to a plethora of health problems, including the possibility for developing cancer.