Don’t Get Caught without a Survival Kit!

If you are somebody that hikes in the woods frequently or if you are simply planning a short hiking trip, you likely have considered what you will bring with you. Along with some food for the day, water and the proper attire, you should also carry a survival kit. When you have this little kit with you, it can save your life but it doesn’t take any room within your pack!

Carrying these essential items with you can certainly make a difference between life and death when problems occur. You will be shocked with how easy it is to pack these items in such a small area and you will have them available, if you should need them.

1. Start with an empty medicine bottle. Wash it thoroughly and remove the label.


2. It is always handy to have a flashlight available. Find a small penlight for this purpose.


3. Matches are an invaluable resource for your survival kit.


4. Use superglue to attach the striker for your matches to the inside of the lid


5. Have a backup lighter available


6. A piece of sugar candy is perfect for when your blood sugar levels drop. Believe it or not, this could make the difference between life and death


7. Aluminum foil can be used for a variety of purposes, including signaling for help. It also folds up into a small square and is easy to store.


8. Safety pins can also be used for many purposes, including removing splinters or holding a bandage together


9. Small sanitizing wipes can help to keep wounds clean.


10. Rather than trying to take the entire antibiotic tube, cut a small piece of plastic straw, fill it with antibiotics and seal it on the ends with fire


11. Fabric Band-Aids are invaluable for covering the small cuts and wounds


12. Spread out everything neatly on the table in front of you


13. There should be plenty of room inside of the pill bottle for all of these tools. Packet neatly and you may even have extra space available for tweezers, a pocket knife or other small items.


14. After putting on the lid, you have the perfect survival kit that can easily be carried with you anywhere.


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