9 Different Types Of Pain Associated With Emotional States

Most of us in the developed part of the world pay attention to Western forms of medicine. These types of medicine will typically slap a Band-Aid on any type of emotional problem you are experiencing. Perhaps they will prescribe medication or send you to a psychiatrist but in any case, they are ignoring the possibility that an underlying cause needs to be treated.

Many of the ancient forms of medicine, including Chinese and many types of holistic medicine, recognise that the issue with physical problems can often be traced to an emotional problem. When you are able to detect those difficulties effectively, you can go about treating the problem rather than covering over the symptoms.

The following are signs that indicate you are experiencing emotional difficulties or stress:


1. Knee pain – If you are experiencing pain in the knees, you may be thinking too highly of yourself. Try humbling yourself and spending more time helping others by volunteering.

2. Hip pain – This tends to mean that you are afraid of change and are frozen in place. Try not to be so careful when you make decisions.

3. Hand pain – If you are not reaching out to others as you should, you may experience this problem. Spend more time socializing with friends.

4. Elbow pain – this type of pain means that you are too resistant or stiff in life. Try shaking things up and compromise when possible.

5. Lower back pain – when you experience this type of pain, it is often associated with worrying about money. Try to resolve your financial issues and achieve financial stability.

6. Upper back pain – This is usually associated with a lack of emotional support. Try to gain the support of a friend and if you are single, try dating.

7. Shoulder pain – when you are carrying a heavy emotional burden, you may experience this problem. Try focusing on ways to resolve the problem rather than carrying it with you.

8. Neck Pain – when you are unable to forgive yourself or others, you may have this problem. Try to consider other people in your life and forgive yourself for your own mistakes.

9. Head pain – headaches and other type of head pain are typically a sign that you need to relax and let go of some of your stress.

H/T: Healthy Food House

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