Eliminate Love Handles With These Easy Exercises

If you have spent any amount of time at the gym, you are going to learn a fundamental truth rather quickly. It doesn’t matter how good you eat or how much you work out, getting rid of abdominal fat is going to be a problem.

Although it can be difficult to remove body fat, sometimes it is a matter of working smarter, not harder. When you are ready to see results, give these 5 simple exercises a try. You will NOT believe the results!

1. Russian Twist – When you want to target the love handles, this is the way to do it. Sit with your knees bent and your legs up. Cross your feet for additional support and balance. You can use a dumbell or medicine ball for extra resistance. Twist your torso from one side to the other. Keep your feet off of the floor


2. Side Plank Lifts – Take things to the next level with this exercise. Start on your side with your leg, hips and elbow on the floor. Raise your body and pull in your core, then slowly lower your body. Keep your abs engaged and your body straight.


3. Box Jumps – This exercise is easy but it does take some practice. Start by standing in front of a box. Jump up on the box and stay in a squatted position. Step down and repeat.


4. Bicycle Crunches – Get in the crunch position on the floor with your knees bent. Bring your left elbow forward and your right knee back to touch them if possible. Repeat with the opposite knee and elbow to simulate a bicycle movement.


5. Burpee – This classic exercise will take you back to elementary school gym class. Start in the standing position and then lower yourself to the ground. Move into the plank position then back to standing and finish with a jump. Keep all of the motions smooth and running from one to the other.


Via: Remedy Daily

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