Natural Treatments for Skin Problems – Moles, Warts, Skin Tags, Blackheads and Age Spots

At some point or another in our lives, we are going to have to deal with skin issues. For some people, it is clogged pores, breakouts or moles but for others, it could be age spots or warts.

These type of problems can occur for a wide range of underlying issues, such as lifestyle changes or hormonal imbalances. Although there may be some beauty care products that promise to solve all of your issues instantly, very few of them really live up to those promises.

If you would like to treat your skin problems without any harmful chemicals, there are natural ways to do so. The following are some of the more common natural remedies for a variety of skin problems.



This common skin issue can appear at any time in life. They are concentrated areas of skin pigmentation and typically show up due to genetics or excessive sun exposure.

Garlic – Plain garlic or garlic extract can effectively eliminate moles. Be sure to protect the skin around the mole with petroleum jelly or masking tape. Apply the garlic directly to the mole, cover it with the bandage and leave it on for 4 hours. Repeat daily.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda – This mixture can also help with moles. Mix the castor oil and baking soda into a gummy paste and apply it directly to the mole. Cover it with the bandage and leave it overnight. Repeat the procedure lately.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is an excellent treatment for moles. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly. Secure it with a bandage and leave it on for eight hours. Eventually, the mole will blacken and fall off.


This skin issue is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) it typically appears as a small bump on the skin and is usually treated by freezing.

Bananas – Rub the wart every night with a banana peel and it should disappear within two weeks

Raw honey – Honey can also be rubbed on the wart nightly and covered with the bandage. It may eliminate the wart in some cases.

Apple cider vinegar – Apply a cotton ball soaked with apple cider vinegar and cover it with a bandage every night. Replace the cotton ball daily.

Garlic – Garlic juice or crushed garlic should remove the wart in two weeks. Rub garlic on the wart every night and put a bandage over it.

Skin Tags

These are benign growths that stick out from the skin surface. They are commonly seen under the arms, on the upper chest, the neck and on the eyelids. They may occur due to skin rubbing against skin. Most people will cut them off or tie them off but there are some natural treatments as well.

Apple cider vinegar- Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and remove the excess. Dab the skin tag with the cotton ball and leave it in place for as long as it is comfortable to do so.

Tea tree oil – Put a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton ball and dab it on the skin tag. You can also leave it in place and cover it with a bandage. Repeat two or three times daily for a month.

Baking soda and castor oil – Mix these two together to form a paste to apply to the skin tag. Cover it with a bandage and replace two or three times daily.

Dark Spots

Age spots or dark spots can appear on any part of the body but they are most commonly seen on the face, hands and arms. Nobody really knows why they appear, but it may have to do with an aging liver or because of sun exposure.

Lemon – Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub it on the spot twice daily.

Aloe Vera – Fresh aloe vera put on the age spot and left for 30 minutes at a time can help to lighten the area.

Onion – Onion juice or a blended onion can be applied to the dark spot for 15 minutes before you rinse it off. Repeat daily.

Horseradish – Mix horseradish with vinegar and apply it to the age spot every day.

Clogged Pores

Many times, clogged pores are caused by a buildup of oil on the skin. It can make the skin look bumpy but it can also lead to pimples.

Sugar scrub – Mix sugar and lemon to make a paste. Rub it on your skin with a cotton washcloth to use it as a natural exfoliant.

Steaming – Wash your face and then put it over a pot with hot water. Cover your head with a towel to allow the steam to come in contact with your skin is much as possible. You can do it for 15 minutes at a time and repeat a few times every day.

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