This Incredible Root Has Been Shown To Kill 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 2 Days

There are many natural health treatments that are used by people around the world. Dandelion is one of those treatments that have been used in a medical sense for thousands of years. It seems as if the most potent benefit to come out of this “weed” is something that medical researchers are thrilled to have discovered.

It has long been known by people who use dandelion naturally that it may have anticancer benefits. It seems as if scientists are now agreeing that dandelion may be a potential cure for cancer.


Dandelion builds up the immune system and blood and it can potentially cure lung, prostate and other cancers. It may even be a more effective treatment than chemotherapy. Dr. Carolyn Hamm from the Windsor regional Cancer Center stated that dandelion root extract is the only thing that helped with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. It is a type of cancer that typically occurs in older individuals.

John Di Carlo was a 72-year-old cancer patient at that hospital. He was sent home when they were unable to treat his leukemia. He told the news that he was advised to drink dandelion tea in an effort to help with the leukemia. It seems as if it may have been better as the first treatment plan, as it only took four months for his cancer to go into remission. The doctors attribute his miraculous cure to dandelion tea.


Studies are showing that dandelion root extract can work quickly with cancer cells. 48 hours after coming into contact with the extract, the cells began to disintegrate. They were replaced with healthy new cells.

Additional studies conclude that the extract has anticancer benefits for additional types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and liver cancer. Admittedly, dandelion root tea may not be the most pleasant tasting drink but it’s more pleasant than living with chemotherapy side effects.

Traditional types of cancer therapies not only kill cancer cells, they kill healthy cells as well. Dandelion root works in the opposite way. It boosts the immune system and only targets unhealthy, cancer cells.

Dr. Hamm provides a warning, however, that dandelion root extract may work counter to chemotherapy. If you plan on using it, you should consult with your doctor and let them know of any supplements or foods that you are consuming.


Even for those who don’t have cancer, eating dandelion greens or drinking the tea can still produce great health. Recent studies show dandelions help with diabetes because it stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.

If you have a problem with digestive issues or need to detoxify, dandelion tea may also be the perfect herbal medicine to do so. The liver produces bile, which helps to regulate the digestive system and it filters chemicals and other impurities. The vitamins and minerals in dandelions can help clean the liver and keep it in shape.


Dandelions also have high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, which helps your body to fight infections. This can include bacterial urinary tract infections. Drinking dandelion tea may help individuals who suffer from recurring UTIs.

Although dandelion greens tend to be bitter, they are edible but they need to come from an area that is not sprayed with chemicals. The greens have high levels of fiber, helping to boost intestinal health. High-fiber diets can also help boost your health by reducing your risk of heart disease, obesity and IBS.

There is plenty of vitamin A in the greens as well. Just one cup of dandelion has 100% of the daily recommended allowance. You are unlikely to eat an entire cup of bitter dandelion greens on its own but you can incorporate it into a smoothie. Simply blend it up with your favourite fruit and enjoy.


This video shows how to make dandelion tea:

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