15 Reasons Why Being The Middle Child Is Awesome

Ask anybody who has an older sibling and a younger sibling and they will tell you that being the middle child can be rough at times. The older one is always going to reach the milestones first and the younger one will always be the baby of the family. It can leave the middle child feeling somewhat neglected.

When you really stop to think about it, however, being the middle child also has some unique advantages. Science has also backed this up, stating that middle children develop some beneficial traits because of their position in the family tree. Here are a few of those traits.


1. Good negotiators


Many middle children know how to manipulate and negotiate. When you consider the fact that 52% of American presidents were middle children, it is easy to see how true that is.

2. Keep the peace


Along with being a good negotiator comes being good at resolving conflict. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela were middle children.

3. Creativity


Middle children have time to themselves so their creative juices can flow.

4. Less pressure


The firstborn child is going to take the brunt of the expectation of the parents. The youngest child is going to be spoiled. The middle child gets to live a quiet existence with less pressure.

5. Great spouses


Marriage is all about negotiations and the negotiation skills of the middle child helps to make marriage successful.

6. Storytelling


It doesn’t matter whether they are trying to get attention or to blame one of their siblings, middle child can invent stories on the fly.

7. They hold the family together


Middle children tend to be the one sibling that ensures the entire family sticks together. They also tend to resolve any family issues that come up.

8. They get the blame


Older children tend to get away with more and the parents tend to crack down on the middle child. By the time the youngest child comes along, they get away with everything.

9. They can share

Most middle children are familiar with hand-me-downs, so they know how to share.

10. Work harder, play harder


If there is one thing that middle children know how to do, it’s put in some hard work. After all, they worked for attention their entire life.

11. They are older and younger siblings


Middle children get to see the mistakes that their older siblings made but they also get to be a big brother or sister at the same time.

12. They are their own person


The middle child will typically love independence and will move out when they can.

13. They roll with it


Middle children get used to disappointment, so they know how to roll with things in their life.

14. Punctuality


If you want somebody there at 8:30, the middle child will be there at 8:25

15. It’s not about them


Middle children tend to look at life differently. They like helping others because they have often been the go-to brother or sister in the family.

Via: Wimp

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