8 Ways to Make Your Old Dog Feel Young Again

When we have a dog as a pet, it is a lifelong responsibility and one that many of us love beyond compare. As a young dog, they may fill our days with excitement and laughter but as they begin to reach their senior years, they may just slow down a little bit.

Something you need to recognize is that, just because a dog has entered its senior years does not mean that everything is coming to an end. In fact, many dogs that have entered this period of life are still able to relive their youth in many ways and if you care for them properly, you would be surprised with how they can be revitalized.

In the information provided below, you will find some of the most important things you can do to make your senior dogs feel young again. It is not only important to make sure that they are healthy at all times, you need to make them feel young as well.

Is My Dog Truly a Senior?


Some of us may be in denial over the age of our dogs. After all, it seems like only a short time ago that they were little puppies running about and getting into mischief.

Sometime between the ages of 6 and 10, a dog may begin to slow down and show some of the signs of aging. You may see it in lower energy levels, differences in their sleep patterns and they may even begin to display some anxiety.

If your dog has entered the Golden years, it is a good idea to adjust their schedule to make sure that they are not only healthy but they are happy and strong for the rest of their life. Use the following tips to achieve that goal.

1. Healthy Diet


One of the most important factors for a healthy dog is nutrition. This is also true as they enter their senior years.

There is some debate as to whether an older dog’s diet should be full of protein or if they should maintain their steady diet from their younger years. It is always best to watch their health carefully and speak to your veterinarian.

2. Play


Your dog may be a little slower but you should still encourage plenty of healthy play. Doing so will provide the necessary mental stimulation and help them to be energized.

Be sure that the level of play you are providing is in line with their age. Perhaps you could change the type of activities you do together, such as taking a slow walk or perhaps going for a swim.

3. Fitness


Unfortunately, more than half of the dogs in the United States are overweight and this can be a serious problem, especially for a dog in their golden years. Some of the issues associated with obesity and dogs include problems with the lungs, kidneys, liver and especially the heart.

As your dog’s energy levels begin to decrease, exercise becomes even more important. Do what is necessary to ensure that your dog maintains a healthy body weight. It will help to keep their muscles strong and will be easier on the joints.

4. Purpose


All dogs love to have a purpose in life, regardless of their age. As they get older, however, having a purpose becomes even more important.

One of the options for providing a purpose is to give them a routine on a daily basis. Do something that makes them feel as if they are contributing. It could be something similar to being a therapy dog, but any routine task that is performed by an animal is quite fulfilling to them.

5. Hand Signals


As humans, our hearing gradually diminishes as we get older and this is also true of our dogs. That is why it is important to teach them hand signals, so they can follow those signals during the course of obedience.

Some of the most common hand signals that you may want to consider are for telling your dog to come, sit or go to the bathroom.

6. Routine


Dogs are creatures of habit, so sticking with the daily routine is vitally important, especially as they get older. Having a routine can help to reduce a problem with mental confusion in animals, and it can help them to maintain their cognitive functions.

One other thing to consider is the benefit that a routine will have on your dog’s anxiety level. When a dog knows what to expect, they will be less anxious over it.

7. Teeth


Most people don’t give much consideration to the dogs teeth, but they should, especially as the dog enters their senior tears. If plaque is allowed to remain on the teeth, it can build up, causing damage to the teeth and gums and leading to periodontal disease.

Canine gum disease is the most common reason for heart disease and inflammation in the heart of canines. You can check with your veterinarian for assistance with caring for your dog’s teeth.

8. Sleeping on the Bed


The bed may have been off-limits to your dog for the majority of their life but as they get older, it may be time to allow them to hop up in the sack with you. Laying on cold, hard floors is not only uncomfortable, it could cause some issues in senior dogs.

If you have a tall bed, make sure that they are able to get in and out of it easily and the additional comfort will be good for them. On the other hand, the additional closeness will be good for you.

Via: Little Things

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