Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs, They May Mean You Have Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia continues to be somewhat of a mysterious problem, but more and more frequently, people are being diagnosed with it every year. In fact, the number are now at approximately 3 million new cases annually. Understanding the warning signs can alert you to a possible problem and let you know it is time to visit a doctor.

Symptoms, such as fatigue, widespread pain and ongoing sleep problems may be caused by any number of issues but fibromyalgia is one of the first things that will need to be ruled out.

Admittedly, even skilled physicians don’t quite understand everything about fibromyalgia and it usually takes a long time for a diagnosis to occur.

Fibromyalgia is classified as a chronic disease by most physicians. It causes widespread tenderness and pain throughout the body.


Although there may be 3 million new cases diagnosed every year, most people are still in the dark about the disease and the symptoms associated with it. Many people who have the symptoms do not consult with their doctors.

Here are a few things you should know about fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia. Signs And Symptoms.

Women are more likely to have it than men

Up to 90% of all individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia are women. Researchers are unsure of why it is more commonly seen in women but it may have something to do with differences in hormones or the immune system.

There could be tender points

Fibromyalgia is known as a chronic disease causing widespread pain but tender points may exist. Those tender points would hurt when you press on the following areas:

Front of the neck
Back of the head
Inside the knees
Outside of the elbows
In between the shoulders
Top of the chest
Top and sides of the hips

Associated with chronic fatigue

The constant pain associated with fibromyalgia may make it difficult to sleep at night. This could lead to chronic fatigue, which could make the pain worse.

May make you feel “foggy”

This issue is sometimes referred to as “fibro fog.” It typically affects women, making it difficult for them to focus or concentrate. They may become confused or forgetful as a result of the disease. Some researchers believe these symptoms are due to how fibromyalgia affects the brain.

Could cause digestive problems and headaches

A study, published in Clinical Rheumatology, noted that about half of the people diagnosed with fibromyalgia will also have frequent headaches. In women, this may include migraine headaches. This could be because of the effects of epinephrine and serotonin on the brain.

Similarly, researchers believe there is a connection between firbomyalgia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It is not know why, but IBS could lead to additional discomfort, such as bloating, cramps and diarrhea.

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