Do THIS With Coconut Oil For 2 Weeks And You Will Look 10 Years Younger

When we look up and down the aisles of the grocery store, we see there are a wide variety of oils available. Some of them are popular and others we may avoid at all costs. One that seems to be growing in popularity is coconut oil. Not only is it excellent for cooking, it has a wide variety of other uses as well.

People around the world have been using coconut oil for quite some time in the kitchen and for their health. When you learn about the different ways that it can be used, you will rush to the store to buy some. The following are some of the reasons why you should be using coconut oil in your daily routine and including it in your diet.

Cellulite cream – if you have cellulite, coconut oil is the perfect solution. You mix honey and coconut oil and apply it directly to the cellulite before going to bed at night. Repeat for several weeks and the cellulite will disappear.


Skin – before going to sleep, apply coconut oil on the skin and it will nourish it. It deeply penetrates into the skin making it soft and elastic.

Varicose veins – on a daily basis, massage coconut oil into the area of varicose veins. It is the best method to deal with the problem naturally.

Cuticles – massage the nails every day with Coconut oil to soften dry cuticles.

Eyelashes – if you use makeup, apply coconut oil on your lashes before going to bed at night.

Shaving – most shaving creams contain harmful chemicals. Use coconut oil under your arms or on other parts of the body to soothe the skin and leave it hydrated and smelling great.

Hands – because coconut has soothing and smoothing properties, you can use it as a hand cream.

H/T: Natural Healthy Team

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