If Your Heel Hurts When You Stand Up Or If It Aches In The Morning, This Is For You!

Would it surprise you to know that more than 50% of the population suffers from foot pain? Perhaps you have experienced it as well and the majority of it comes from a common condition, yet it is one that most people are unfamiliar with altogether.

The pain is mostly caused by damage to the plantar fascia, which is a thin ligament connecting the front of the foot to the heel. When you have this pain, it is known as plantar fasciitis.

In most cases, a problem with plantar fasciitis occurs because of weight gain or repetitive motion. It is most common among pregnant women, athletes and those who spend a lot of time on their feet. If you suffer from this problem, you will be happy to know that there are a few things you can do to treat the symptoms.


First of all, the most important thing to do if you suffer from plantar fasciitis is to incorporate stretching that will loosen the tight muscles aggravating the condition.

Seated Exercises

Doing exercises while you are seated is possible for most people. Here are a few to consider.

1. Roll your foot over a water bottle or a similarly shaped object. Do so for one minute per foot.



2. Cross one leg over the other and pull up on the big toe. Hold this position for 15 seconds, release and repeat three times. Switch to the other foot and do the same thing.


3. Use an exercise strap or a folded towel for this exercise. Place the towel under the arch of the foot and pull upward gently so that you stretch the foot in front of you. Hold the position for up to 30 seconds and repeat three times.



Calf Stretches

You can also stretch the calves to promote heel health. Extend your leg in a lunge-like movement and hold the position for up to 30 seconds. Repeat three times for each leg.


Stretching also works to prevent plantar fasciitis but there are other things you can do to prevent the condition. Consider the following:

Healthy Weight – Maintaining a healthy weight can prevent putting unnecessary pressure on the feet.

Exercise – When you exercise regularly, it helps to stretch the muscles and joints and keeps you from gaining excess weight.

Support – Wearing the proper footwear can go a long way in keeping you from damaging the plantar fascia

Take it easy – Give your feet some time to rest and alternate activities to prevent damage to the area.

Slow Start – Before doing exercise or any other activity, take some time to warm up.

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