Learn Why You Have Leg Cramps At Night And How To Stop Them For Good

We may suffer from a wide variety of health issues and at times, it seems as if they take place in the middle of the night. One of those problems is leg cramps, sometimes referred to as restless leg syndrome (RLS). Not only can it be an uncomfortable and inconvenient problem, there are times when it can lead to some pretty severe pain as well. The discomfort also affects our ability to sleep, so it has an effect on our health as well.

A number of issues can lead to leg cramps during the night, including a lack of exercise during the day, poor blood flow and dehydration. At times, these cramps may last for only a few seconds but in severe cases, they can last for days on end.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to minimize the leg cramps you may be experiencing at night. The primary thing you can do is increase your magnesium intake, either by using a supplement or by eating foods that are high in magnesium.


The following list of 15 foods can benefit by increasing your daily magnesium intake:

Greek yogurt
Pumpkin seeds
Sardines and salmon
Sea salt
Green leafy veggies

For some people, magnesium oil may be something they need. You can rub magnesium oil on the legs at bedtime and leave it on during the night to experience the benefits.

Here is how to prepare it:


½ cup magnesium chloride flakes
½ cup distilled water


Boil the water and add the flakes while stirring. When they are dissolved, remove them from heat and let them cool. Then, pour the oil in a spray bottle.


You should spray 5-10 sprays on each leg at bedtime.

You can also benefit from the following tips that help to reduce leg cramps as well:

Stretching – stretching on a regular basis can help to prevent leg cramps by improving blood flow. Since you are getting an increase blood flow to the area of the legs, the cells are receiving proper nutrients and oxygen.

Vitamin D – Many people are deficient in vitamin D, and it is an important vitamin for the absorption of calcium. You can boost your levels of vitamin D by taking a pill or you can just get additional exposure to the sun every day.

Electrolytes – Keeping your body hydrated can help to prevent leg cramps. If you are dehydrated, you might be experiencing an electrolyte imbalance. Use the following drink to balance your electrolytes effectively.

Electrolyte Drink- Recipe:

You should mix half a teaspoon of unionized salt, 1-quart water, 6 teaspoons of sugar. You might substitute the sugar with honey, and in this case, reduce salt by 1/2.wo limes and lemon juice, and drink this beverage daily.

When you suffer from leg cramps, try to walk at a slow pace because this will improve your blood flow. Massage your calves regularly with circular movements and extend the cramping leg and flex the ankle, pointing the toes upward and in the direction of the knees.

H/T: Healthy Food House

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