Take THIS And Say Goodbye To Sciatica And Back Aches For Good

Something that many of us experience, at times on a regular basis, are aches and pains. They may occur in any part of the body but more than likely, we experience back pain. In fact, back pain is listed as one of the most common reasons why people miss work. Likely, it has affected you.

One of the types of pain that we experience in the back is sciatica. Sciatica is not actually a condition, it’s a symptom. Some of the issues you may experience include leg pain, shooting pain, stinging, numbness, weakness and even a loss of bladder or bowel control.

When a person sits down, coughs or sneezes, the pain can get worse. It likely occurs out of the blue and gets worse over time. Those symptoms may be quite bothersome and it can certainly affect your quality of life.


What Causes Sciatica?

Sciatica is typically a symptom of a pinched nerve, one that occurs in the lower part of the spine.


Spondylolisthesis: This condition is caused by slippage of one vertebrae, causing it to narrow the opening through which the nerve exists.
Spinal stenosis: It results from narrowing of the spinal canal, which puts pressure on the nerves.
A herniated or slipped disc: This is the most common cause of sciatica pain which causes pressure on a nerve root.
Piriformis syndrome: It develops when the piriformis muscle becomes tight, putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Recipe to Fix Sciatica and Back Pain


2 cups organic coconut milk
4 organic aged cloves garlic


Simply simmer the garlic cloves in the milk on high heat for half an hour. Allow it to cool down, and then drink.

Extra Tip

Using ginger essential oil may help because it is anti-inflammatory and has analgesic properties. It can reduce pain associated with arthritis.

Ginger works in a similar way to spicy pepper. It creates a slight burning sensation that only last for a few seconds. It opens the pain pathways and reduces inflammation, helping to reduce the overall issue.

A study from the University of Miami showed that ginger extract works as good as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In comparing ginger extract with a placebo, the researchers concluded that it reduced stiffness and pain by up to 40% over the placebo.

Similar results were found when a University of California study tested how ginger works on the cellular level. It showed that it was anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant and had antiulcer properties.

H/T: Best Healthy Guide

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