13 Awesome Psychology Tricks To Make Your Life Easier

It is true that all of us have unique characteristics but there are also many things that we have in common. Psychologists are often able to weed out those similarities and when we understand them, they can take us far in life. In fact, we can use those behavioral patterns to our advantage.

The following psychology tricks are sure to change the way that you look at life. They can have a positive impact when you know them but what you use them, they can change your life.

Find out if someone likes you – Pick a word and every time they use it, nod your head and smile. If they do like you, they should start using the word regularly.

Let people take you seriously – When you tell somebody to do something, tell them that your father taught it to you. People tend to believe parents’ advice.

Rock Paper Scissors – If you want to win at rock, paper, scissors, ask your opponent a random question to confuse them and they will likely throw scissors.

Get people to agree with you – When you are talking, make sure that you nod your head. It means that everything you are saying is true and most people will nod back.

No More Crowded Spaces – If you have a difficulty with crowded spaces, look directly ahead of you when you find yourself in such a situation. Most people will watch your eyes to see which way you’re going and they will get out of your way naturally.

Song stuck in your head – This is known as the Zeigarnik effect. We tend to think of things that we have left unfinished so if you have an annoying earworm, try to think of the end of the song.

Get Your Kids to Eat Broccoli – Ask your children if they want 2 or 5 stocks of broccoli instead of asking them if they want broccoli. In that way, it is their decision to eat it.

Is Someone Looking at You? – If you have a feeling you are being watched, just yawn and have a look around. If they are watching you, they will now be yawning as well.

Get Some Help – When you want your friend to help you carry something, simply keep talking to them while you hand them the box. Most people won’t even notice and will automatically take it.

Be Friendly – When you are going to shake someone’s hand, be sure that your hands are warm. Warm hands promote a friendly atmosphere.

Repeat what they say – If you want to come across as a great listener, repeat what they are saying and paraphrase it. Just don’t take it too far.

Get Some Help – Start your conversation with the words “I need your help” and people will feel too guilty to refuse.

Do they like you? – Ask if you can borrow their pen or pencil. Most people will lend it to you, regardless of whether they like you or not. Eventually people that don’t like you well see you are not all that bad.

Via: Bright Side

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