20 Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life Totally Simple

If there is one thing that we all have in common, it’s the fact that we get quite busy. Sometimes it can be hard to get everything done that needs done during the day. That isn’t going to be a problem, however, once you understand some of the life tips that are described for you in this article. They can really help simplify things.

Even though we may strive for a simple life, many of us wind up being so overwhelmed that life is no longer pleasurable. Take a look at the following hacks and put them into practice. Before you know it, you will be living a simple life and experiencing all the benefits that it has to offer.

1. Grow roses from cuttings

Before you plant roses, push the bottom of the stems into small potatoes. The nutrients and moisture in the potatoes help the roses to develop healthy roots.

2. Waterproof your shoes

If you wear canvas shoes, you can spread beeswax on them and dry them with a hairdryer. The hairdryer will melt the beeswax until it is invisible. Your shoes are now waterproof.


3. Drying clothes

You don’t need to have a dryer in order to dry your clothes quickly. Place wet clothing on a dry towel. Roll up the towel with the garments on the inside. Pick it up, twist as tightly as possible to remove the excess water. Hang your close up to dry.

4. Smelly shoes

Placing the few dry teabags inside of your stinky shoes can absorb the odor. If they are also wet, put some rice and baking soda in them and leave it for a few days.

5. Tight shoes

Are your new shoes too tight? Stuff the shoes with wet newspaper as tightly as possible. When the shoes dry, remove the newspaper.

6. Starting a fire

The oil and chemicals in potato chips make them the perfect fuel for starting a fire.

7. Find lost items

If you have lost something small, you can find it with your vacuum cleaner. Stretch a pantyhose over the vacuum cleaner and begin searching.

8. Water bottles

Make sure that you get enough water in every day. Draw lines on your water bottle and mark them with times. Those marking service a reminder to help you achieve your daily goal.

9. Toilet stains

Pour Coca-Cola in your toilet bowl and let it sit overnight. Wash with soapy water and flush.

10. Unclogging drains

Run hot water in the drain for one minute and then put one cup of baking soda down the drain. Pour one cup of vinegar on top of the baking soda slowly and flush with hot water.


11. Clean showerheads

If you want to get your showerhead or bathroom faucet clean, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar. Secure it to the area with a rubber band and allow the vinegar to do its work overnight.

12. Secure buttons

Put some clear nail polish over the threads on your buttons to secure them.

13. Body odor

If you forgot to put on deodorant, cut a fresh lemon or orange and rub it on your skin. Your body odor will disappear.

14. Loud phone speaker

Put a phone in a drinking glass and boost the volume.

15. Ice in the cooler

If you take your cooler to the beach with you, sprinkle salt on the ice and it stays frozen longer.

16. Fresh breath

Did you forget to brush your teeth this morning? Eat an apple!

17. Citrus candle

You can make your house smell fantastic by making your own orange or lemon candle. Cut them in half, insert a wick and light.

18. Lids

There are many ways to open a stubborn lid but duct tape may just prove to be the most effective. You can also run hot water over the lid for a minute or two, wipe it down and try to open it. Soak the lid in hot water as another way to loosen it.

19. Wooden spoon

Put a wooden spoon over top of a pan of boiling water and it will not bubble over.

20. Opening a Sim card

If you don’t have the tool, use a paperclip to push into the pinhole of the Sim tray.

H/T: Brightside

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