How to Clean With Goop

Do you remember playing with Play-Doh as a child? It was a sticky substance that could be formed into almost any shape you could possibly imagine. Believe it or not, the substance that is used by many children for imaginative play can also be used by adults for a very different reason.

As it turns out, Play-Doh is an excellent cleaner for around the home and even in the car. Of course, Play-Doh can also be expensive but when you make it yourself, it is quite affordable. Here is how to make goop, which happens to be a fun activity for the entire family and makes cleaning easier for anyone.


I know what you’re probably thinking. How in the world could something that is as sloppy looking as goop actually be used as a cleaner? If you really think about it, many children that play with Play-Doh do nothing but leave a mess when all is said and done.

Believe it or not, goop is the perfect cleaner for getting into small nooks and crannies, including those on your laptop keyboard. It is also great for hard-to-reach areas and is a better solution than compressed air, because it brings the particles with it.


Goop is also an excellent choice for cleaning the car. Taking your car through a car wash may hit the surface but if you look in the cracks, you will find plenty of crumbs left behind. Smudges are also a problem in many automobiles. Goop is the perfect choice for this type of cleaning.


Fortunately, making your own goop is quite easy and actually, can be a lot of fun! Gather the following materials to get started.

1 measuring cup
1 cup warm water
1/2 tsp Borax Laundry Booster
1 mixing bowl
5 oz. clear or white school glue
Food coloring
1/2 cup water


To get started, add the borax powder to 1 cup of warm water. Stir until the borax powder is completely dissolved and then set it to the side.

You should next mix the glue with 1/2 cup warm water. Add a few drops of your favorite food coloring and blend until it is smooth. This is perfect for getting the kids involved.


Mix the borax mixture and the glue mixture in a single bowl. As you continue to mix, a shape will begin to form. The mixture should begin to feel gooey and wet at this point


Knead the goop with your hands until it begins to get firm and dry. If there is any leftover liquid, dispose of it at this point.


The more you work with goop, the firmer it will become.


Goop can be stored in an airtight container or Ziploc bag indefinitely. Save some for playing with the children but put some off to the side for cleaning purposes.


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