Now You Will Always Wash Your Shower Curtain with Salt

Keeping the bathroom clean can be quite a chore, but it is something that needs to be done on a regular basis. Unlike other parts of the home, ignoring the bathroom cleaning is going to quickly show and it is not only disgusting, it could actually make your family sick.

Of course, there are some tricky parts to cleaning the bathroom that all of us struggle with. One of those is cleaning the shower curtain! That huge piece of plastic is only good for one thing, keeping water from getting out of the tub. Keeping the shower curtain clean can be a struggle. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, it can be easy to miss mildew.

If you struggle with getting the shower curtain clean, there is a simple method that you should not ignore. In fact, the solution is as close as your kitchen pantry: salt! Here is how to use salt to keep mildew away from the shower curtain permanently.


Gather Your Ingredients:
Table Salt
Laundry Detergent

How to Do It:
1. Wash your shower curtain in your washing machine. SF Gate recommends using a mix of ½ the recommended amount of laundry detergent and 1 cup of vinegar, and adding towels to the load for extra scrubbing.
2. Put the washed shower curtain in your clean tub. Cover with water, and add 1 cup of salt to the water as it runs.
3. Stir the water so the salt dissolves and covers the shower curtain. Soak for three hours, then hang to dry.

The salt forms a barrier on the shower curtain that prevents mildew. Using it to keep your shower cleaner for longer and can save you time.

Via: Tip Hero

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