Turn An Old Bed Frame Into A Beautiful Outdoor Bench

There are plenty of beautiful pieces of furniture that can be found in many households but perhaps one of the most understated is the bed frame. When you have an antique bed frame on your hands, you probably have something you can be quite proud of. They tend to be ornate, especially compared with many that are made today.

Of course, sometimes we may need to replace the frame as well. It may have gotten too old or perhaps we are switching our decor. If that is the case, don’t throw it out, turn it into something awesome for your patio.

It doesn’t matter if you are using an old bed frame you have at home or if you see one at a flea market, you will never look at them the same again. This patio bench is beautiful, functional and with a little elbow grease, you can make one yourself

This set was actually found at a thrift store. It was cheap!


She had a little help from her husband to cut the arched trim at the top of the footboard so it could be used for the front of the bench seat.


They attached the footboard to the headboard.


One of the reasons this works so well is because the leg heights match. The pieces were connected with scrap wood on the sides.


They then used pieces of wood running between the headboard and footboard to make the seat


The sides of the bench were made from the pieces cut from the footboard earlier


Adding a coat of fresh, white paint really took this bench to the next level


After lightly sanding the details of the bench to make them stand out, it is ready. It is absolutely beautiful and nobody would have guessed it was from an antique bed frame.


Via: My Creative Days

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