5 Ways to Spot a Psychopath

We come across people in our daily lives and most of them come and go without really leaving much of an impression. From time to time, however, you may come across somebody that is displaying some rather unusual tendencies. Perhaps you have some concerns that they may be insane or perhaps even a sociopath! It may be a combination of problems they are exhibiting.

Although it can be difficult to tell what is going on underneath the surface, there are ways to identify individuals who have psychopathic tendencies. It isn’t the stuff of Hollywood movies but rather, they are normal people who tend to wreak havoc on our mental and emotional well-being.


The following 5 traits are seen, in part, in many individuals but if an individual is exhibiting all of them, you may need to be concerned.


1. Charming Personality

There is nothing wrong with being a charming individual, but a psychopath does have the unique ability of luring victims into their personal web. It may be through gifts or given compliments but under the surface, they are trying to determine what makes you feel special so that they can gain your trust.

Look for signs of authenticity when it comes to this type of personality trait. If there any inconsistencies or if there is insincerity seen in the behavior, you may need to be cautious.

2. They Love Negative Reactions

Chaos and confusion often surround a psychopath’s life, but not for them personally, it involves those around them. They like to start chaos and confusion and then watch as the entire mess unfolds. On top of it, they claim to be an innocent bystander and blame everyone else for acting irrationally.

Watch for signs of being lured into an argument and then they will make you feel as if it is your fault.

3. Lies, All Lies

This is a very common trait of a psychopath, but they tend to be very good at it. They will lie about anything and everything, even if there is no obvious benefit to doing so. If you catch them in a lie, they will just tell you that you are being paranoid or worrying over nothing.

4. No Guilt or Shame

There is an inborn ability that all of us have to feel a degree of remorse when the situation calls for it. Psychopaths do not have that ability. When they engage in any type of questionable behavior, they actually seem to thrive on it and have no qualms about continuing in that lifestyle. Even if they know that what they are doing is hurting somebody else, they don’t care.

5. They Turn People against Each Other

Something else that psychopaths tend to thrive on is making people feel hatred toward each other. They start vicious rumors and then continue to weave them in order to bring out jealousy and suspicion in other people. Worse yet, they make you begin to doubt your own reality.

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