7 Natural Ways to Clean Nicotine and Tar from Your Lungs

You don’t need anyone to tell you that smoking is bad for you. The fact of the matter is, smoking can lead to a wide variety of health issues, including emphysema, bronchitis and lung cancer. It is the #1 preventable cause of cancer and death in the world, yet people continue to smoke.

At first, smoking is a choice but eventually, the habit will get you in its grip and it is very difficult to let go. Even if you smoke, it is still possible to clean much of the tar and nicotine from your lungs. The following 7 natural methods can help to keep your lungs clear of the nastiness.


1. Corn – This healthy and readily available food may contain a chemical (beta-cryptoxanthin) that can protect you from lung cancer. It is an extremely powerful antioxidant, but you should only consume organic, fresh corn that has not been genetically modified.

2. Brazil Nuts – Another food source that may help to reduce your possibilities of lung cancer are Brazil nuts. They contain selenium, which is also an extremely powerful antioxidant. Eat Brazil nuts daily.

3. Onion – Eating onions may help to clear your lungs and they are not only effective at helping to prevent the big C, they may help to prevent lung infections as well. If you already have lung cancer, you may want to consider adding onions to your diet.

3. Ginger -This type of food is used as a natural medicine for many different types of diseases, including those that are malignant. It can also free you from the toxins in your lungs. Ginger root tea is a popular choice, as it can help to clear your breathing. Adding ginger to your meal is also an excellent way to consume this food.

4. Oranges – Not only do oranges contain vitamin C, a strong antioxidant, they also contain cryptoxanthin. It has been shown to be effective at fighting lung cancer.

5. Nettle – This plant can be used to disinfect the lungs, for fighting infection and it contains a lot of iron.

6. Pine Needles Tea – Traditionally, this is used for rinsing the throat and mouth but you may also find that it is beneficial for fighting against lung cancer.

7. Water – If you must smoke, make sure you stay as hydrated as possible. Skip the alcohol, soda and coffee and drink plenty of clean, clear water on a daily basis.

Via: Spirit Science

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