7 Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Should Always Be in Your Pantry

Many people are becoming more and more aware of the dangers of using medication. Although there may be cases in which it is necessary, treating some common issues may be possible with natural treatments, rather than using something chemical. That is what you will find when you use Apple cider vinegar, something that many people consider to be a miracle substance.

Unlike pills, apple cider vinegar is very inexpensive and it is more a matter of preventative medicine, although it can also treat some problems if you already have them. For under two dollars, you should be able to purchase a bottle of apple cider vinegar and if you use on a daily basis, you might be surprised with what it can do.


Here are 7 of the top reasons why Apple cider vinegar should be in your pantry at all times.

Indigestion – Many of us that suffer from indigestion automatically reach for a tablet to help ease the pain. Part of the treatment may be avoiding the foods that cause indigestion but you can also use a combination of 1 teaspoon Apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon honey and a glass of water. Down the mixture 30 minutes before you eat and you should be good to go.

Upset Tummy – If you have a bellyache or an upset stomach, one or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water can be the answer you are looking for. Sip it the next time you have such a problem and you may find that the problem is short-lived. The benefits of using Apple cider vinegar for an upset stomach include killing bad bacteria and soothing the spasms that lead to an upset stomach.

Sore Throat – Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1/4 cup of warm water at the first sign of a sore throat. Gargle with it to kill off germs that may cause the infection.

Stuffy Nose – If you have a stuffy nose, no amount of blowing is going to solve the problem. You can thin the mucus in your sinuses and prevent some bacterial growth thanks to the potassium and antibacterial properties in apple cider vinegar. Drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water may help with the stuffiness.

Cholesterol – According to a Japanese study, 1/2 ounce of apple cider vinegar daily will lower your cholesterol. There is more research necessary on the subject but it couldn’t hurt to try.

Weight Loss – Readers Digest had the following to say about apple cider vinegar and weight loss:

“The acetic acid suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolism, and reduces water retention. Scientists also theorize that apple cider vinegar interferes with the body’s digestion of starch, which means fewer calories enter the bloodstream.”

Acne – Because of the antibacterial properties in apple cider vinegar, it can help to reduce a problem with acne. It may also exfoliate and soften the skin and help to reduce red spots.

Do you know someone who could benefit from Apple cider vinegar? Make sure you share this post with them on Facebook.