A Canadian Doctor Has Come Up With An Iron Fish That Can Save People Suffering With Anemia

In the developed parts of the world, anemia is a problem that is often limited to severe health issues but that is not true in many parts of the world. When Canadian doctor Christopher Charles went to Cambodia, he found that many of the children were suffering from an iron deficiency.

As it turns out, the adults in the area were not doing much better than the children. As a result of the iron deficiency, they were experiencing violent headaches and they were unable to get to work. His solution to the problem was ingenious.


Dr. Charles came up with a “lucky iron fish.” It provides 75% of the adult’s daily recommended intake of iron and it could be just what is necessary for anemic people worldwide.



It is estimated that some 2 billion people around the world are anemic and suffer from iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can be fatal in some cases.


It’s a common nutritional problem but supplements could provide an easy solution. Unfortunately, many people find the supplements to be too expensive or they are unavailable in the area.


Thanks to this invention by Dr. Charles, you only need to boil water for soup with the iron fish in it for at least 10 minutes.


The iron fish provides 75% of an adult’s daily recommended intake of iron.


The fish can be used regularly for a few years.


Half of the Cambodians who are using the iron fish for cooking are no longer anemic after 12 months.


Dr. Charles feels that the fish can be adapted to be culturally acceptable in many other developing countries.

Via: Bright Side

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