Confirmed: Drink 2 Glasses of Wine at Bedtime To Lose Weight

There is not often good news on the weight loss front but today is an awesome exception. If you are someone who enjoys having some wine but avoids it out of fear of body fat, you don’t need to avoid it any longer. According to 2 studies from Harvard and Washington State University, drinking 2 glasses of wine before bed may actually be just what you need to lose weight.

The reason wine can help you lose weight is because of a polyphenol found in red wine, known as resveratrol. Apparently, this chemical turns your “white fat” into “beige fat,” and in the process, makes it easier to burn.

The Harvard study took it a step further by looking at 20,000 women over the course of 13 years. They found that those who drank 2 glasses of wine on a daily basis were 70% less likely to carry too much body fat.



At this point, you may be wondering why drinking red wine at night is so important. Again, it has to do with resveratrol, which is a natural appetite suppressant. In other words, if you drink a glass (or 2) of red wine at night, you are less likely to snack.

If you aren’t into red wine, there are other sources of resveratrol to consider. Try a small bowl of blueberries, strawberries or grapes. You’re welcome!

Do you know a wine lover? Make sure you share this post with them.