Benefits of Eating 2 Ripe Bananas Every Month

Bananas are a rather interesting type of fruit. Everybody knows about them but not everybody truly understands them. They are a type of fruit that comes wrapped in their own natural wrapper and when you open them, you can’t deny that they are quite a tasty treat! As a matter of fact, they have been given the dignity of becoming a superfood that can provide everything our body needs to survive. The nutrients, fiber, vitamins and natural energy in a banana may be better than an apple at keeping the doctor away.

In the US, more people consume bananas than apples and oranges combined and they are the most frequently consumed fruit by Americans. Bananas are inexpensive, so we tend to bring home a bunch of them from the grocery store and snack on them throughout the week. They start out fairly green but as the week goes on, they turn yellow and eventually, develop brown spots until the entire banana is covered in brown.


Many people misunderstand the reasons why bananas turn brown and figure they are rotten, so they end up in the trash. It would make sense that was the case, since most fruits do turn brown when they become rotten and eventually become unappetizing.


When it comes to bananas, however, the dark patches mean that it is getting ripe and the more dark patches there are, the riper it is. It also means that bananas contain more of what is known as Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), an extremely healthy substance that can help our body fight off abnormal cells, including cancer.

TNF works by improving communication between our immune system cells and all other cells in the body. When we have a need for certain types of cells because of injury or disease, TNF can guide those cells in the right direction. According to research, the TNF in ripe bananas can also interfere with tumor growth and inhibits those cells from spreading and causing the death of other cells.

Bananas are also a resource that is very high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to boost the immune system by removing free radicals safely from our system. So the next time you see a banana with brown spots, don’t throw it away, enjoy the health benefits and the delicious taste!


Along with providing a boost to our immune system, bananas with brown spots can also benefit us in a number of other ways as well. The following are some of the main benefits that bananas can provide.

1. Heartburn – Bananas can act like a natural antacid and can give you necessary relief from acid reflux and the accompanying heartburn. Eating only one banana can help to reduce the symptoms.

2. Blood Pressure – Because bananas can lower blood pressure, they act as a natural protection against heart attack and stroke. They are also high in potassium and low in sodium, making them a healthy food choice.

3. Energy – Don’t go to your next workout on an empty tank. Down a banana or two before your workout to give yourself the necessary energy you need. The potassium in bananas can also help to reduce muscle cramps.

4. Anemia – Since bananas are high in dietary iron, they can be an effective deterrent against anemia. Eating bananas helps to stimulate red blood cell growth and hemoglobin production.

5. Ulcers – Although many types of foods may be off limits when you have stomach ulcers, that is not the case with bananas. You can often dine on bananas without worrying about pain. In fact, eating bananas may help with the ulcer because it coats the stomach and protects against irritation.

6. Depression – Since bananas contain high levels of tryptophan, which is converted in the body to serotonin, it can help pick us up when we are in the dumps. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps to improve your mood and keeps you feeling happy.

7. Constipation – The fiber in bananas is nature’s way of helping you to unclog the pipes when you are experiencing constipation.

8. Stress – Regulating your blood sugar is possible when you eat bananas and they also are a natural resource of B vitamins. Many people who suffer from depression and panic attacks are lacking in B vitamins.

9. Temperature – If the weather is hot outside, a banana can help you feel cooler because it lowers your body temperature.