You Should Not Argue When You Are Angry. Here’s Why

When we are angry about something, it almost feels natural for us to want to start an argument. You likely know what I’m talking about but there can be some dangers associated with getting in an argument while you are angry. In fact, while you’re angry may be the absolute worst you can get into an argument!

When we end up losing control of our emotions during a heated discussion, we will say and do things that we might later regret. There also 3 other reasons why we should not argue when we are angry.

1. You think the world is against you


Not only might you lose control of your emotions when you are angry but your brain may not be operating properly as well. When we are in a bad mood, many psychologists feel as if any words that come from our opponent come across as an insult.


2. You make the other person mad


When you are angry, it is likely to make other people feel angry as well. That is why it is so difficult to resolve a conflict during that time.

3. You lose the ability to listen


When you are angry, it is quite difficult to be rational. That is why you are likely to feel worse about the other person in the argument in comparison to how we feel when we are in a calm mood. It is difficult to be unbiased in the heat of anger, so it is best to let yourself cool off before you continue.

Via: Bright Side

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