5 Signs You Have A Sociopath In Your Relationship

You would probably be surprised with the number of people who are dealing with some form of mental disorder. From depression to anxiety attacks and schizophrenia, there are almost too many to mention. If you’re in a relationship with one of those individuals, you likely recognize that there is an issue but are there things flying under the radar?

According to a Harvard psychologist, Dr. Martha Stout, an estimated one out of every 25 Americans is a sociopath. The numbers are similar in many other areas of the world. More than likely, you have rubbed shoulders with a sociopath in the past and you may not even realize it.

A sociopath is someone who is diagnosed with having antisocial personality disorder. It is “characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.”

Sociopaths are very good at manipulating and they may appear to be charming and quite interesting on the exterior. Underneath it all, they will cheat, lie and intimidate you to get what they want. If you want to make sure you’re not dealing with a sociopath in a new relationship, you should look for the telltale signs of the disorder.

1. Lack of inhibition – Sociopaths will often try to sidestep the rules in place because they think they are above it all. They live in the moment and lack control and don’t really think about the consequences or who it affects.

2. Quick to anger or violence – If you are dealing with somebody who becomes violent quickly without thinking about the implications, it may be a problem with this disorder. Not only do they get angry quickly, they tend to let go quickly.

3. Selfishness and acting aggressively – In order to get what they want, a sociopath will act aggressively if they feel it is to their benefit. To them, the end result is always worth whatever they have to go through to get to it.

4. Narcissist – Egoism is another common characteristic of a sociopath. They tend to be very self absorbed in their appearance and love themselves more than anyone else. They also tend to have a warped sense of love toward others.

5. No empathy – A sociopath will not have the fellow feeling of normal people. They think differently than most and have a warped sense of right and wrong.

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